Foundry Small Foundry Map pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Fusionguy, Feb 20, 2010.

  1. Fusionguy

    Fusionguy Ancient
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    Small Foundry Map pack

    This map pack features 3 maps each made for 1v1 or 2v2 slayer matches. They are all small as the map pack name suggests, and I'm no good at intros so i'm going to move on. Oh, and incase your stupid the maps are in the spoilers and for some reason the weapon lists are in a seperate one :S

    Warthog Zone:
    Don't let the name fool you there are no useable Warthogs in this map! It is meant to be an abandoned Warthog factory. Anyway, onto the pictures:
    ^This is where the warthogs are, they can't be used
    ^I don't know what to say about this picture, so yeah...
    ^Ramp and balcony.
    ^Grav lift corridor
    ^Shotgun spawn (and 2 ARs bubble sheild in background.
    ^Where the Warthogs are.

    Weapon list:
    • 2 Brs
    • 2 Ars
    • 2 SMGs
    • 1 Shotgun (no spare clips)
    • 1 Bubble sheild
    • And some grenades


    'This abbandoned mining station holds more secrets than what meets the eye'

    My favorite map of the pack. Features many floors, stay on your toes!


    ^Corridor, blocked at the end, 1Br and 1 Frag by the double box
    ^Shotgun spawn (no spare clips)
    ^Camo spawn
    ^Ramp from Camo spawn to middle level, and bridge ramp area
    ^Ramp to the lowest level, located underneath the ramp in the picture above
    ^The 2 corridors on the lowest level, 1 SMG in each
    ^Doing a U-turn after the double corridors brings you here
    ^And after the slanted box you come out here!
    ^Corridor under the ramp to the lowest floor

    Weapon list:

    • 1 Magnum
    • 1 Plasma pistol
    • 2 SMGs
    • 1 Shotgun
    • 2-4 Brs (I forget :S)
    • 1 Camo
    • And some grenades.


    'This corridor was once used by ONI officials, however after the fall of New Mombassa it was deserted'

    Enigma works great for CTF and assult for small parties (3v3 max 4v4 at a push) I mainly made it because I was annoyed that I only ever played Slayer with friends.


    ^Blue team spawn (Red spawn is exactly the same but with a OS in the wall) (Power ups cannot be picked up)
    What you see when you leave the base
    ^A side corridor (the other one is identical except with different barrel spawns.)
    ^Each team has a 'balcony'
    ^Flamethrower spawns in the middle (Isn't OP)

    Weapon list:

    • 4 Ars
    • 8 Brs
    • 1 Flamethrower
    • 4 SMGs
    • And some grenades

    Enjoy ^_^

    please comment negative or not, as long as it's constructive!
    #1 Fusionguy, Feb 20, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2010
  2. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Ancient

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    Dude your download link is really hidden. took me a couple minutes to find it. Maybe throw some BOLD on that bad motherfucker so everyone can get there hands on your mappack with ease

    Im a big fan of minimaps and it looks like you poured your heart into all 3 of them. I downloaded them and Ill edit later and let you know what I think
  3. ThunderSpartan9

    ThunderSpartan9 Ancient
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    I like how u put this together...all of the maps r well geomerged and forged rite down to the asthetics...i really like all of the maps..u hav brought together and there not to big or small..just rite but my fav..would hav to b arcane....but well done
  4. cheezcakep

    cheezcakep Ancient
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    wow, I like the geomerging and the nice small party maps, a good offset to whatever my idiot friends play which are huge open zombie maps:p lol good work
  5. Fusionguy

    Fusionguy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah, thats why I made enigma, so my friends would like playing things other than 'superfastzombies on sandtrap heavy' that annoyed the hell out of me, and now though they like CTF and Assult ^_^
    Thanks for the positive feedback aswel guys :)
  6. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    your forging is great, geomerged perfectly. I'm sure you used ghost merging, which really helps. The maps though seem kinda small and each one really doesn't get the attention they need by themselves. this is why i don't care for map packs, they are misleading in the scene that you show the best part of the map and then the rest is just eh. I'm not saying that yours are, I'm just saying try to avoid publishing map packs without related threads to each map.

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