SlopeStyle Hello everyone. This is my second racetrack ever and i definatly improved. This track is double-wide and includes: Starting gate with lights and moving doors, bank turns, tons of interlocking(first time ever for me), multiple levels and a anti-cheat finish line that works with the gametype RACETRACKS. Screenshots: Starting gate Bridge to bank turn Underpass banked turn Anti-cheat finish Ramps to top level Last turn to small drop Please try it out and post about what you liked/didn't like about the track, also, problems that need to be changed. Thanks for your time and I hope you enjoy :] BTW, Its on another account because i got banned from fileshare :[
Go to Photobucket Save pictures on to folder then download them on to photobucket use image link and paste it here... Once you have correctly embed pictures message me and I will edit this post.
Hi and welcome to forgehub. Your pictures are not working for me. To learn how to correctly post pictures press the first link in my signature. Also, please include a link to your file on Thanks.
I believe your problem is that you are probably trying to take pictures directly from your computer. Like the man obove me said, upload your pictures to and then embed them in your post. If you are trying to take pictures from, you will need to transer them into your files using a medium such as your paint program and then upload them to photobucket. Unfortuantly, if you do not comply in 24 hours this post will be deleted and from what i know you will be locked from the subject for some amount of time ( i dont know) And always, Welcome to forgehub.
hey man, this looks really cool, ima give this a download, great job with this, and got your pictures working!
Do we honestly need 3 people telling him that his pictures aren't embedded? Anyways, the map looks nice, although not really anything that makes it stand out from other racing maps. Overall, 4/5.
OK, your race map isn't the most amazing I have ever seen, but I would say it is pretty solid. Some of your ramps and turns look pretty cool too. I suggest you record a video of a race, put it on your file share, and use to capture it.
This is a really good looking race map. It has a good layout and looks really smooth. Great job on the map.
Wow it looks really good. i like how racing maps only interlock where necessary... but this looks good. nice banked turns, nice everything. its a beautiful map. and anti cheat is always nice.
This race track looks really awsome. The underpass, the banked turns, and the interlocking looks great. Since no map is perfect this comes extremly close. 4.99/5 Great racing map looks great.
I invented that kind of start on racetracks=) the sliding doors. I used it on my map ring galaxy. but the map looks really cool ild download.