
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Feuersturm, Oct 12, 2008.

  1. Feuersturm

    Feuersturm Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Supported Gametypes:
    Slayer, Oddball, King of The Hill

    Map Description
    This is a totally asymmetric map meant for slayer. Despite the lack of equality of the map there is no "high ground" as every part of the map is made to spread around the power. Almost every part of the map is merged smoothly together. Although small, this map still allows for big game play and interesting terrain.

    Exact Weapons

    8 BRs
    1 Sniper
    1 Rockets
    1 Mauler
    4 Carbines


    Vertigo inducing stairway

    Alcove containing rockets

    Ground floor layout

    Passage to teleporter

    Sniper Balcony

    Upper floor layout


    This is my first post on Forge Hub although I've been forging for about a year now. If there are things that I should change just tell me. All comments are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Download Sloped
    #1 Feuersturm, Oct 12, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2008
  2. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    First of all welcome to FH.

    Now the map is a lot better than I would expect from a frist poster. This has great geomerging, however the interlocking could use some help.
    Othervise this map is really good. Maybe you could make a v2 and clean it up a bit.

    4/5 cuz of interlocking. Great job though!
  3. R0FLC0PT0Rz

    R0FLC0PT0Rz Ancient
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    Is the concept of sloping the ground used more than just the first picture? Regardless good first post and good interlocking.
  4. Feuersturm

    Feuersturm Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes it's used a few more times but It's certainly not as noticeable.
  5. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    This is very impressive for a first post. I'd love to comment on the map, however, there aren't really enough pictures to evaluate the map's "sloppiness", if you will. Despite this, from what I can see, most of your interlocking and geomerging looks really great. Also, it says that the map supports slayer. Does it support any other gametype? If not, I would highly recommend making it compatible for oddball and king of the hill (gametypes that play well with off-balanced terrain).
    All in all, it looks good. Keep it up man.
  6. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    First off this map is good and your first post is up to FH standards. Interlocking looks a little messy but still is good and geomerging looks clean. I also advise you to add a weapons list so we can see the various weapons you have placed on this map and maybe a little longer description as well. 4/5 and keep forging. never mind. forget about the weapons list, i didnt see it at the top lol. sorry!
  7. mauserman

    mauserman Ancient
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    i thinlk its great for a beginner even now i dont have a single map but for geomerging great even interlocking great i love it the only complaint i have is i hate maps like this there always so small and you need more pics still 4/5
  8. ChaosTheArbiter

    ChaosTheArbiter Ancient
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    i like the look of the lay out and it looks like it will only improve the game play 4/5 from what i can see in the pics i'll get back latter with a final rating

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