The slingshot is my newest minigame map that allows for some fun sniping. I plan on having the game center around the attackers killing a vip before he reaches a destination. Heres what i have so far...
I love you, my friends and I were going to make one of these but we got bored (we have no forging skills). When you get it done I can help test if you want.
The map itself looks very good, im assuming it will play similar to duck hunt? Only thing i think needs improving is that bowl thing, I would go back and neaten up the ramps
Thats a good question Roland and i have thought about that for a long time. I finally decided to have a destination for the VIP to reach and if he gets there it ends the round, same if the VIP dies. I wanted this to just be quick rounds so that each team alternates quickly. Also i am working on a map like this but more objectives for the VIP's team. Also, i am currently working on neatening up the ramps and am thinking about replacing them all together.