Heroic DLC Slayer`s Nest TS

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Julenissen666, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. Julenissen666

    Julenissen666 Ancient
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    Hi, ive had this idea about a map on rats nest for a while. and i finally made it(im really lazy). its a 4 - 8 player map. one on one works ok.
    I suck in english so i made a picture that will explain how the map is. NB: dont mind the big red box, its the little red lines that is the blocking.
    the red lines are the blocked areas. so you can see that the map is very small. no vehicles.
    now the dots indicate weapons and other things:
    Blue: is 2 spike grenades
    Red: is a rocketluncher. 120 respawn rate.
    Brow: is a mauler. 60 respawn rate.
    Pink: is a bruteshot. 45 respawn rate.
    Green: is a sniper rifle. 60 respawn rate.
    Yellow: overshield

    Things on the map:
    12 frag grenades
    8 plasma grenades
    2 bruteshots
    2 maulers
    1 rocket
    1 sniper rifle
    1 overshield
    8 SMGs
    4 spikers
    4 plasma rifles
    4 spike grenades
    1 gravlift (under the sniper)
    1 regenerator (right under the rocket)
    6 BRs

    Now ill let the pics explain the rest ;) not gonna keep you guys bored anymore.

    Middle part of the map. importan place. i has rocket, sniper and the overshield. you dont wanna loose those things to the enemy.

    Red base. the blue base is exactly the same. 2 BRs 2 spikers 2 plasma grenades 1 needler and 2 smgs also 2 frags

    The blue foyer. You need to defend this plase if you want to get some fire against the enemy.

    Action pics ^^ YAY:
    My little brother killed me. hes good in halo :) you dont wanna mess with him :p

    [​IMG] Yes i know. my brother killed me again. his pwnz ppl XD btw: he wont 50 45 against me on this map. but we focused mostly on how the weapons worked on the map. edited some spawning things with the weapons.

    PAYBACK you midget XD i had 8 sticks that match.

    The map and gametype is on my fileshare. My gamertag is Julenissen666 (and yes, i know how stupid the name is)
    The gametype is called Team Classic (smg and pistol start, thats all)
    The map is called Slayer`sNestTS
    #1 Julenissen666, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  2. Landon Dao

    Landon Dao Ancient
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    I think that the game play would be very nice, but you could have blocked off some areas better using different items. Nice map though. I'd give this map a 4/5
  3. exploreTheGore

    exploreTheGore Ancient
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    So is it like rats nest without the outside ring. That seems cool. It probably changes the game play completely. On the original it is all about the vehicles and this would turn it into a tight cornered map. It also seems like you have also changed the weapon layout which is good. I will get a good game going on it. Right now I give it a 4/5 but that could change for the better or worse. I will be back to describe game play.
  4. Deathhawk7

    Deathhawk7 Ancient
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    Looks like it could be good.
    I would have put a two teleporter at the back of each base linking it to it's respective hall. Or maybe take advantage of the open space in the main hall and made some extra platforms for more complex gamepay (But balanced, as to demolish camping.
  5. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    Good idea looks cool and the weapon list isn't to overwhelming so a good map overall. Since the geometry is already there I can't comment much on the neatness type things but, good originality.

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