SLAYER PLUS+ Slayer Plus+ is my attempt at making halo a twitch shooter such as unreal tournement. I have had a lot of fun with it so far, but would like to know what to tweak on it and add. This gametype is for free for all, TS, and 1v1 duels but I will definately add the Plus+ to the rest of the gametypes once this is 100% finalized and if feedback is positive. Anyways, here's a breakdown of the gametype. - Player speed 150% - No Sheilds - Dmg resistence 90%, Weapon Dmg greatly reduced - Regain health from health packs - Immune to headshots - Start with magnum and sprint (evade won't work) - No needle rifle/ needler/ grenades/ beatdown - Jumping slightly increased - Custom power up = Dmg resistence increase for 30 sec MAPS (read!) I highly recomend trying this gametype on my edited version of powerhouse, respectively dubed powerhouse plus+. I changed the weapon spawns, made much more frequent and evident health packs on their own stands, and added a custom power-up. Link: : Halo Reach : File Details Pictures:
Seems like fun. Ill definitely dl it and try to play with some friends. Have you played around with using the Needle Rifle as a power weapon?
Nope I haven't even thought of that. I just saw it as a total insta kill and thought it had to go, but that could actually work. Thanks for the idea, and any constructive criticism is very helpful.
I havent played with any friends yet, but I have come up with some suggestions by running around the map. First, the custom powerup should add some sort of visual effect to indicate wheter someone is under its effect, such as a color change. Second, the overall weapon spawns dont seem very thought out. You have DMRS located in the middle of highly contested areas, such as near the default shotgun spawn. You generally want to place the DMRS a little further away from the action. The numerous Plasma Pistols are curious, as there are no shields to be taken down. The Focus Rifle is also a weapon you should consider removing, as the way it functions goes against the twitch reflex thing, and I bet its pretty hard to hit anyone with it at 150% speed. The Sniper Rifle might be a bit overpowering, as Im guessing its a one shot kill. Either lower its clip size or replace it with a needle rifle, My third suggestion is removing Sprint, as players already move fast enough and sprint will most likely end up with players running into walls. You may want to add it, alongside other armor abilities such as jetpack, as a power pickup instead. And thats it, I think. Oh! And you should remove the loadout menu, as there is only one loadout to choose from. Sorry for the tl;dr, aka wall of text
The custom powerup forced color is something a had in my first version. I don't know why I switched it to off. That's a good idea. In all honesty, I didn't put the weapons in the most thought out places. I just wanted to create that map in order to show a map with health stations and without the weapons I didn't think will work well in order to get used to it and possibly encourage editing of a map for this gametype Concerning sprint, I just wanted a replacement for the evade armor ability. My first thought was evade because I am very inspired by unreal tournement but it seriously just launches you. The sniper is pretty hard to use when everyone is so fast so I think it could be balanced. The focus rifle on the other hand worked very well ,oddly enough, and was my favorite weapon for this mode. .. But thanks for the advice I'll keep those in mind for sure.