Hi guys. Can anybody refer my to an advanced tutorial on the respawn system in Reach? I've found a lot of info on the Halo 3 system, but the new system seems to be very different. I've also tried searching a couple of forums and googling it, but I can't find anything. My specific question is what the system is for placing initial spawn points on a team slayer map. I've been studying the spawn points on Bungies own maps, but it seems like each map has a different way to do it... Especially the initial spawns assigned to teams are confusing. One map as a number of initial spawns specifically for each team. Other maps has only one dedicated initial, but is then surrounded by ordinary respawn points. Any pointers? Also, should a slayer-only map include initial spawns for all teams (purple, yellow, etc.)? Thanks! //David
Slayer-only would just have neutral spawn points. Taken from Bungie.net : ForgeWorld : Article Spoiler Basic Setup The spawning system is made up of two components: Spawn Points and Spawn Influencers. Players may only ever spawn at a Spawn Point. Spawn Influencers affect which spawn point a player will spawn at. Spawn Points There are two kinds of Spawn Points: Initial Spawn Points and Respawn Points. Initial Spawn Points are used at the beginning of a round. Respawn Points are used after a player has died once. If there are no available Initial Spawn Points then Respawn Points may be used instead. Respawn Influencers There are 3 kinds of Respawn Influencers that you can place in Forge: Respawn Zone, Weak Respawn Zone, and Anti Respawn Zone. All Respawn Influencers only affect the team that they belong to, or all teams if they belong to the neutral team. Other factors in-game may create temporary influencers that you have no control over. For example, an ally player near a spawn point creates a weak positive influence, and an enemy player creates a medium negative influence. This is not the full list of things that create spawning influence. A Respawn Zone is so powerful that it will always force players from that team to spawn at points inside of it. A Weak Respawn Zone is about as powerful as a nearby ally, and an Anti Respawn zone is equal in strength to the Weak Respawn Zone but in the negative direction. Stacking multiple Weak and Anti Zones on top of each other has no effect, unless there is a (strong) Respawn Zone covering the area as well. All types of respawn influencers only affect the team that owns them (or all teams/players if they belong to neutral). Non-neutral influencers do not affect FFA spawning, except in FFA gametypes with fake teams like Infection and Juggernaut. In Infection, humans are Red Team and zombies are Blue Team. In Juggernaut, the juggernaut is blue team and everyone else is red team. Setup Suggestions It's generally best practice to use the neutral team for all respawn points, and set Initial Spawns to a specific team. If you place an Initial Spawn near Respawn Points, then you'll only need one Initial Spawn - the player being there will cause his teammates to spawn nearby. If your map is symmetric or for an objective gametype, then you might want to cover each side of the map with a respawn zone, one for each team. This way, players in FFA games will be able to use all the spawn points, but players in team games will only spawn on their side.