Map Title: Slayer Arena 2.0 Non-claustrophobic. Built up so even vehicles have room to move. Walkways, ceiling forts, and a slight nod to "Prisoner". Designed specifically for standard Slayer or Team Slayer gametypes. Download Map Description: Most Foundry maps I downloaded were way too jammed full of CLUTTER. I wanted a slayer map which made use of open spaces while still having plenty of cool areas to climb on or jump to. Vertical gameplay is here as well as Ghost fights at floor level. The slight nod to "Prisoner" I mentioned refers to the Rocket Launcher/Invisibility structure. (Adam Ridley and Duckshunter88 get credit for that object.) My map is not a remake but maybe a bit in the same vein. Time-Lapse Construction and Tour[youtube]ap9gy0NpDgs[/youtube] Overview A Overview B Open Back Hallway to Gravity Hammer "Point of No Return" Sniper Post "Super Secret" Sword Room Gun Turret Mancannon Elevator High Walkways Overshield Stairway to Ceiling Forts Ceiling Forts Hideout Ghosts (awhile after the start of the game) Protective Cover "Prisoner" style Rocket Launcher and Invisibility Structure [size=11pt]Feedback is welcome! There's always room for improvement.
this map is ****ing sick looking I hope it gets more comments so people know how cool it is maybe you should name it something better
This map looks great. I like the youtube video, very well done. It's seems you've utilized scenery well too. Nice job.
Hmm, I continue to question the center structure of the Rockets being placed right above the invisibility. I'd say you should spread out the two so that their positioning couldn't be used as a combo. Or be sure to change the spawn times and make them much different from one another so that they don't spawn together. Good map though.
Thanks for the advice! The respawn times are already different but maybe I'll spread them out in the next version.
Thanks! I really wasn't sure if I was allowed to post a video here, but I figured since a picture is worth a thousand words, maybe a video is worth a million?
I love the video, i kinda agree about the rocket/camo thing. Has this been tested? The ghost looks really under powered. It's a relataviley weak vehicleand is a huge target in the open space.
This has been tested and I noticed no unbalenced gameplay with either. Nearly invisible players are really only slightly more difficult to spot in such an open space and tend not to last very long anyway. I don't remember that being an issue in "Prisoner" from Halo CE either but I'll keep an eye on that in future testing. In my first version of "Slayer Arena" the Ghosts appeared at the start of the game and had shorter respawn times. Despite being "underpowered", they completely dominated the map. Perhaps it's because my testers are total noobs, but I think we had a record number of Splatters that day. For better game balance, I had to change it so Ghosts don't show up at the start of the game and now have 2 minute respawns. 2 minutes goes by fast but it seems to have solved the problem.
Looks like a sweet map and i like the video. Lots of screenshots, and i will download it because of the video
Question: In the video, it seems like the objects just floated on their own, like you just placed them there. How did you do that?
When I originally made this map I used the Save and Quit technique in Forge for almost every floating object but to make the video, I had to cheat a little. The video is actually of me grabbing and then deleting each object. I made one film per camera angle. Then I edited the films to run backward at high speed.
at first i thought it was kind of sloppy looking, but ive never seen a foundry map with this type of crazy bridge and platform style, i'll check it out.
Nice map. It reminds me of a Counter-Strike map i forgot what it was called but the indoor part of it has a bottom floor and some walkways up high that circle the warehouse. yeah idk maybe it's just me.