ITs a 3 for 1 deal today Just for you! Map Variant : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing This Map can be used for Team slayer, Infection or as a Machinima map there are no weapons on this map so you can place them how you want an can fit into what ever type of match your doing. You may be wondering why should i download this map you may ask an i say Because anyone can enjoy this well put together an specially designed map for a 3 in 1 so i think you have room for one more So get yours Today!!!! Misc. items 2 grav lifts in basement 2 turrets House Base outside of house Basement Main floor Roof Fire...escape?
more interlocking would be nice, and looking for a v2 to improve on that, otherwise, i like the staricase outside...add aesthetics BTW
fire escape is cool but i have seen way to many storm the building maps 3.9/5 because it looks cool but idea is over used.
i like the barrier made out of... well, barriers cool idea, thats the most unique and complex structure i have seen anyone make with those i think the fire escape is cool too, you don't see many stairs like that but i do think interlocking would make it cleaner and cooler
I like the barrier stucture but otherwise it looks ok. It just doesnt have that right feel to it. Might be the screenshots idk. 3/5
i like the map its very well made and i also really like the staircase. and the underdogs base made of barriers. very cool looking. great job 4/5
loooks ok .. I like the fire excape but inside the map isnt too good .. And the basement sucks to be honest .. I think its ok though 3/5