| SlaughterHouse | SlaughterHouse is an intermediate styled map that i made for an infection game. I just started a forge game and the outcome was what i think to be a pretty cool map. - Here's the main Idea - The map is based off an insaine butchery that want's HUMAN MEAT to feed on, try to avoid the Cleavers ( Zombies ). The Cleavers spawn on one side of the building and the Human's spawn on another side. The human's spawn with a magnum, but they spawn in a well fixed weapon vault with shotguns, BR's, spartan lasers, a machine gun turret and a flame-thrower. the weapon vault also has instant spawning grenades(all types). The Cleavers spawn with swords only and DO NOT have the ability to pick up weaponry. 2 Cleavers spawn at the beginning of the game nomatter how many people are in the game, So I'd say 4 people would be the lowest amount of people to actually have fun. Cleavers have a forced color of white, based off of a Butchers Apron. Humans do not have a forced color, meaning you wear the same armor as on your service tag. also Cleavers have no camo The Radars are DISABLED in this game type to give you the maximum level of SUSPENCE! You Can Download The map and Game Variant Below- Map - SlaughterHouse Game Variant - The Cleaver | ScreenShots | The Main Look Of SlaughterHouse Akwardly Placed Items Outside The Building Have No Use, The just Give an Extra Creepy Feel To The Map 2 Views Of The Human Spawning Area The Cleavers Will Come In Through This Area, Their Spawn Point Appears To The Left Inside The 'A' Signs Just A Peek At The Cleaver's General Look Thanks For The Views & Downloads! -Cries Of Pain
cool it sorta looks like the humans will just camp and get a bunch of kills and never die. camping spots can make the best looking infection maps bad to play
It looks like there are too many armories filled with power weapons and vehicles of every type.... I would just sit on top of the armory tables and i would never die. also, how do zombies kill people in wraiths. Infection+power vehicles/weapons =X!
all you people need to read the whole post before flaming his map. the vehicles are outside the map and un usable as to not wreck gameplay. also long as the zombies are tough then there would be no camping issue as the map is close quarters making the sword = win. all in all i think it looks fun and is a good map/post well done
Yeah good map. Looks fun i'll give it a DL... but don't worry about the other comments. looks like you spent a good amount of time on it. 4/5 all the way
Hmmmmm... It dosen't look bad. The words WELL STOCKED ROOM/ WEAPONY tend to make people cringe. The map does look very neatly made, and the backstory sounds like something that I would hear at a campfire. Try learning some forgeing tricks and spread the weapons around the map, forcing people out of hidding.... By the way... Think about the weapon useage. In a crouded biulding a spartan laser is not as useful as you would think. 3/5
its maps like these that make me wish that the fx's were available for foundry.... good job cries of pain, i like maps that were built like houses- for some strange reason
it is a really nice map and a good post but the weapons and vehicles i think it would have to be a game of fat kid and i hate fat kid so much
im sure it might be fun for infection, but i hate armories! im sorry, but alot of people use them when they shouldn't be used! o well, good job!
^ not always true. The map is very good idea, but i think when (and if) you make a v2, you should make the map bigger (not more OPEN space) but just make the house bigger, more hallways, maybe some 'secret' passages or whatever. Also i'd reccomend putting the more powerful weapons (ie rockets, splaser, etc) closer to (if not next to) the zombie spawn. But id give the map 4/5 for the idea and from the looks of the pictures