Slate Creek

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Dec 1, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

  2. Okay

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  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I thought this looked cool, Pics are awesome, but then I downloaded it...
    epicly not cool, I was dissa pointed it looked rushed not very much into it, LOVE the stair bridge, but nuthin else,

    also check out the link,


    > VIDEO LINK <
  2. ChaoticF34r

    ChaoticF34r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map is awesome! Amazingly interlocked, keep it up! Although the use of a Spartan Laser doesn't work in such close quarters.
  3. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map is truly epic with very few problems. The stair bridge is amazing and hardly ever done. The forging was incredible, I don't remember going over any bumps. The Aesthetics are just beautiful. The Aesthetics are just beautiful. LIGHTSOUT was right, it does bring a new feel to foundry, which is always nice to see.
    The gameplay is pretty epic, though spawns are somewhat predictable. I spawnkilled in a 1v1 game on this map sadly. I may have just got a bad version with BS spawns though so it might just be me. I don't agree with tripmines being on the map, they just aren't too competitive, i think just having a bubble shield would have been better. Those were the only problems. There was the perfect amount of cover to where it wasn't too covered to where getting a kill is a *****, yet it wasn't open to where if you started getting shot you have no way of surviving. When playing it I could slow down or speed up the pace of the game to where i wanted it, which I love to see in a map. The symmetry is always a turn-on when it comes to competitive gameplay as it is perfectly balanced. The Splazer wasn't too overpowered and it was a power weapon that worked extremely well with the map.

    Gameplay: 4.6, Fun, Replayability, and a weapon set that fits the map perfectly (except the trip mines).But because of my experience with minor spawning problems and predictability of spawns i give it only a 4.6. Easily a 5.0 if the spawns were just due to it messing up when i d/led
    Aesthetics: 5.0, it wasn't overloaded to where it was an ugly fail, yet there was enough to keep the map fun to look at when you play it, a perfect balance
    Layout: 5.0 Nice, new, and perfectly symmetrical layout which lead to true epic-ness
    Overall: 4.87, definitely a 5.0 if just the version i got had bad spawns
  4. EGP

    EGP Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks great I like the features in this map involving the bridges and the stairs. Also the aesthetics are very nice in this map.

    The layout of this map seems very professional as well. There is plenty of room for gameplay on this map.

    Good luck to players in the tournament
  5. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    DTL,donn't listen to the negative comments,when i saw this map i just starred at the pictures for like 5 minutes then went to download.When i played on it,i had no problem with the map.I played 2v2 on it and it was very fun.I was never spawn killed or had to worry about being spawn killed.Putting the spartan laser on the map was a good idea considering you had maulers on each side with was a good touch of power weapons.The only other weapon i would have used is the sniper maybe,but laser worked well.

    Everything felt smooth and i loved the stair bridge.I WISH i could tell you something to fix on the map to make it even better,but honestly there is nothing wrong with this map.Everything on each side was the same on the other side and this just made me even happier.

    Overall,if you want a map to download to play with your friends for hours,please download this.This has been the most i have ever put into a post which shows my greatfulness towards a map like this.Great job DTL!!!!!!!
  6. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, way to be an ass.
    If you're going to hate a map, hate it after you've played it.
    Jesus, is that so god damn hard. PLAY the map befre you start critisizing it.

    Edit: I may have overreacted but I'm sick of seeing unjustified hatrid for the 2v2 maps
    #26 Linubidix, Dec 1, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2008
  7. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    aight PJ not cool. one if your going to insult him at least play a game on it remember, gameplay> aesthetics. Also look at Gridlocked, quite possibly the best map ever made, it is just a buch of boxes in a grid formation. think about that one.
  8. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm aware the map is breakable, it was a conscious decision on my part to leave the map as is. On a budget glitched map, too many items can cause lag. This could especially be a problem when two teams are playing overseas from one another.

    Believe me, I wanted to make this map air tight escape proof, but I also wanted to make a clean, well working gaming experience as well. One took priority over the other sadly, but I don't think it effects the map too much.

    Thank you for the video, the effort is appreciated.

    The map was certainly not rushed (Every single piece of immovable geometry has been geomerged excluding bridges), the geometry took roughly a month to build (on and off forging) and I've been testing the map since September. The map looks simple and clean, but "rushed" isn't an adjective I'd use. Thank you for your input though, and be sure to play a few games on it!
  9. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    When I used the term rushed, it did seem as if i were insulting your map, which, in a way ya i guess i was, because gameplay was fun, the merging was good, its just not as much as i expected ya know?
    I was hoping for a map sweeter than most, but it wasn't as much as i thought, or a couple of my friends thought.

    I think you could have done better personnally, also you could have made that map without budget glitch...

    but the term RUSHED* simply was supposed to mean that the map layout/ aesthetics were mainly thought of quick. GAMEPLAY FIRST, i know, but still the map isn't worthy if its not good looking...

    What im trying to say is,,, good gameplay, good merging, good locking,
    but the map itself seemed lacking...

    you get it? cause i dont wanna come off as a ****... just tryin to be honest, and my opinion is that it lacks aesthetics and its breakable


    If I have a lot of merging and locking, but the map isn't budget gliched, it shouldn't be as laggy should it?
  10. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I thought the same thing I began deleting things one by one in the the time I had actually reached the normal budget half the map was the budget glitch was a must on this one.

    It depends upon how many pieces are interlocked into one another, and what pieces are used. Teleporters and Man Cannons will lag up a game quicker if a few are placed by one another. It really depends on the situation. The budget glitch only magnifies the problem.
  11. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1 looks so.....SEXY!!! I love the way you forge dude. Now I cannot decide on which map is the best 2v2 tourney map, Credence, Grindstone or this. Truly a great finish for a great series of maps. It is AMAZING.
  12. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    I thought this map was well put together. I played a good 2v2 game on it, and the gameplay was pretty remarkable. I know most people didn't really enjoy the trip mines placed on the map, but I really didn't see it as a problem. The asthetics were unbelievable while at the same time very supportive of the gameplay. Awesome job with this map. Definitely a 6/5.
  13. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    Great job on the map. It looks great for the tournament. I really like the way the map is set up and it plays very well. I enjoy the gameplay and overall the map just feels good. The aesthetics are a tiny bit lacking but I couldn't do any better and this is a gameplay focused map. Great job.
  14. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    From the video, it appears to behold very well game play, but team with the Laser may end up controlling the map, if they're good enough. Hopefully it will play as well as it looks.
  15. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks really nice. The interlox is OMFG and same thing with the mergiz.
    Congrats on the feature and, STOP BEING SO GOOD AT FORGING!
  16. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like an absolutely amazing map. It has to be one of the best I have ever seen. There are so many aesthetic things in it that just give it that right look. And all the little corridors and pathways I see and imagine when I look at it, just simple mind bogging.

    Amazing map, but sorry to say, poor gameplay. Common now, an AR FFA?
  17. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map wasn't meant to be played FFA. It's only designed for team matches. That's why its the final 2v2 tournament map.
  18. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    I could figure that out that this map wasn't intended for FFA. Kinda because of the Description. Well I said that the map is awesome, just the gameplay in the VIDEO was poor, and AR FFA?
  19. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    To be fair, you mentioned nothing of the video in your previous post, and it did come off as if you were commenting on the map's gameplay, not the gameplay footage in the video, so I think DtL's comments were fair. The video was meant to familiarise people quickly with the map when looking at the post, but cannot really convey the finer points of gameplay, especially that of 2v2 games, whilst doing so, without showing a full game from multiple perspectives. If you want to know how the map really plays then download it, I promise you won't be disappointed, and I was genuinely surprised with how well it works with AR starts, normally I hate such games.
  20. o LiGHTNiNG o

    o LiGHTNiNG o Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great map. Asthetics and gameplay-wise. But it's too damn small, even for a 2v2 map.

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