Slate Creek

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Dec 1, 2008.


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    Senior Member

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    Slate Creek
    Created By: Draw the Line

    Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, Multi-Flag, KotH
    Recommended Players: 2-6

    2v2 Faceoff Tournament - Round 13 - Championship Map

    12 rounds and 1,022 players down. Only 2 teams, and one map stand. What a way to cap off a spectacular tournament than with an absolutely incredible map. Draw the Line does it again with Slate Creek. A map born for doubles, its figure 8 style creates a very natural flow as players circle and wrap around each other in epic bouts. Controlling the center bridge and Spartan Laser will only get you so far. No one weapon or position is too dominant, meaning teamwork is an certain necessity to success.

    From a technical aspect, Slate Creek could not have been forged any cleaner. Clean merging and interlocking perfectly complement its stellar gameplay. With great use of elevation and ground cover, Slate Creek's organic layout would have players marveling at their surroundings had their virtual lives not been in constant danger. In short, Slate Creek is about as close to perfect as a 2v2 map can possibly get.




    Download Slate Creek

    Faceoff Slayer
    Download Faceoff 2Flag
    Download Faceoff KotH

  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    soooo sooooo sexy Draw the line. seriously. its like... wow.

    congratulations on being too epic of a forger.
  3. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    9 what a map...
    it looks amazing from the pics.
    i see many jumps and paths to take.
  4. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    Hmm. From the pics, I do not like that this will be the championship map. It seems as if both teams will try to control the Spartan Laser, offering easy kills. I would much rather have seen a Br and Carbine only map or something along those lines. The map is very nice, but the weapon choice could be slightly better
  5. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    I'm not sure about that. Maybe I'm not very good with the spartan laser, but it seems difficult to use the laser well in such a small map. I'll have to try it out though. Great map Draw the Line.
  6. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Awesome, it's out. I cannot wait to play this, I've heard marvellous things about this.

    Draw the Line dishes out another epic map that will become the measuring stick to which all maps are compared to.
  7. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    The Spartan Laser certainly does not offer easy kills. The map is built around the concept of moving angles. Players can evade on this map, which is why teamwork is so important. Each weapon on the map (including carbines and Brs) have their own strengths and weaknesses, so you have to constantly adapt if you want to survive.

    Give it a try and I'm sure your opinion will change.
  8. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    Yes, I'm sure it will, as I know that you can't judge a map by its pictures. If I ever go back onto Halo, I will defiantly check this map out.
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    From my experience of the map today, this is certainly true. We both went for the Spartan alot out of habit, but found that it didn't offer nearly as much of an advantage as expected. The obvious spot to try and use it is the center bridge, having the best views of spread areas, but movement on the lower level is so fluid that you find yourself having a good deal of cover through the different angles as you move around. The curve of the canyon seems tight and covered, yet large and open enough, which really impressed us both. The matches were only 1v1 but we both found it seriously fun.
  10. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    yes. i will be defiant as well and check this map out... seriously tho. looks exceptional. when will it be posted with more pictures, description, etc.?
  11. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Wow, this map looks ridiculously epic, and that's something I've never said for any map. Congratz DTL, you are the first person to ever really peak my interest in a map like this. Can't wait to play it, thanks for creating what looks to be one of the best maps ever.
  12. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Wow, amazing map DTL.....simply amazing.
    This is why I hate being on a blackberry....I miss out haha.
    Well, can't say much, its almost 3 am, but I'll give this one a high five...wait...
    sdrakulich = o/
    DTL's map = \o
    mmkay its good
  13. mista tipsta

    mista tipsta Ancient
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    Hello everyone, maybe nobody cares about my opinion but, I personally don't like the map all that much. It is better than anything i could make but, there are somethings I don't see why they (the map maker) did, i have examples; like some of the 'A' and 'B' signs are pointing the same way, this could be a simple fix, one could turn them to face the bridge or one could turn them to face their owns base,like the signs next to the Mauler spawns, granite I'm not say that it's easy but it would not be that hard for experienced Forger. As well I debate if I should mention the trip mines, i don't have anything against them but, in my mind I feel that maybe refrigerators may play better or, possibly, power drains. My complaints go on. Maybe I am taking this too far, maybe. I am not sure quite way I do not like this map that much i just don't, but you sir do know how to make a map that looks really good.

  14. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Sexy, Sexy, Sexy are words that describe your map. I can hostelry say this is one of my favorite maps all time. There is just something about the layout the gives foundry a whole new feel. You have done an excellent job on this DTL. Nice work!
  15. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    After working on this map for so long you'd think you'd notice these things, haha. Sometimes you need a fresh pair of eyes to find those little mistakes. I've gotta say though, if that's the worst you can find I'm quite happy.

    I tried power drainers in the map actually...and tested them quite extensively. In the end I felt that the map didn't play as well. Trip mines work on this map because of its non linear nature, you'll hear that beeping noise, but won't know where its coming from until it's too late. It can also be used to momentarily block off a path in the map when used juuuust right.
  16. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    nice this map was epic from the moment i saw it in the recent maps. the layout is amazing and you set the standard once again good job draw the line this is a definate dl for me.
  17. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Is there any food in that refrigerator? lol.

    Anyways, super uber sexy looking map DTL, I am downloading and I am gonna check this baby out, but in my mind I know I don't even have to because it will pop up in some soon to be played custom game and I know the gameplay will not disappoint. Good job man, you give Forgers like myself the will to carry on and make new spectacular maps over a year later.
  18. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    In case you dind't know; I'm usually very harsh on featured maps. A lot of them just don't live up to what I want them to be; which is just me being picky. So know I'm really impressed when I say I love featured maps. Guess what? I love it. The design of the map seems to fit the strategies needed to win the tournament. I lot of evading and watching each other is so important on this. The aesthenics didn't let me down either, and I saw some things I really liked. This goes onto my short list of featured maps I really enjoy. Congrats on the feature, you earned it.
  19. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Very nice map structure, although it's quite easy to break.
  20. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    legitimate win DTL your prowess is more all but incomparably.

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