This is my first Halo Reach map. I had a basic idea of this map drawn out on paper before moving to the actual creation. If you don't get the name i got it from combining laire from Role models and slayer. I couldn't think of any other names so i decided on this one. If anyone can come up with something better i will change it. Weapon list 2 DMR's 2 Plasma Repeaters 2 Needlers 2 Needle Rifles Several Assault rifles 1 Shotgun 6 Frags 4 Plasma grenades 1 overshield Things i had problems with when creating this map was placing spawns. I am not sure if they are exactly perfect, but i did my best. Please feel free to leave and comments on how i could make the spawns better. I would be glad to make a second version if it would make it better. Something i really enjoyed when creating this map would probally be the snipers nests and crossovers. What took me the longest.. either the spawns or the curved wall Please leave as much feedback as possible
All you really have is a big open stadium with two bridges and some rocks. No worries though since this is your first map. The best thing you could do with this map is put cover everywhere and make it a "paintball" type map.
I second this notion. Big open spaces aren't exactly competitive. Think about competitive play. Great grenade bounces, areas to manipulate and lots of mind games and trickery. You can't do this in an open area with a single tier. Good first attempt though.
Seems like it would be fun to play on with random weapons, or crazy vehicular combat, or modified grifball type games, but for serious slayer action the map looks too simple and open.
2v2 snipers might be fun on this haha But seriously like everyone said it definitely needs more cover. The sight lines are just a bit too long. The bridges look like deathtraps. A few bigger pieces of solid cover would help those out a great deal. If there were 8 players on this, I doubt it would play very well. Nevermind 16 haha But I'll give it a DL and try to give some better feedback soon.
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I thought the same thing that it was going to be too open and a absolute massacre, but then i tested with a group of kids and it really wasn't that bad, especially if the spawns are placed right. I know competitive types are usually seem in really closed areas, but i liked how this map looked. I can't just go and add a lot of cover because i have no money left I would have to take about a few blocks out from the middle and make it shorter. I am probably just going to throw this map out and start on something else.