The focus of this puzzle map is not only interwoven rooms but also epic challenges leading to the conclusion of this puzzle series: obtaining the Meteorologist's skull. Some pics: Skyworks is/was made by Packeranatic and Zicargo10. Credits to XxmetallicaxX D where deserved. ____________________________ Testers: Packeranatic, Zicargo10, TrexDevil, Yoshams, koopatroop90, Oli the G, FTG Zatherla ____________________________ Comment away!
WOAH, what's this what's this... goes into song. No but seriously, a Reach puzzle maps with new unique challenges, I really like this. Whenever I get my LIVE back I will defiantly try this when it's released.
Thanks. Means a lot. =) On a personal note, having played the map again and again, it starts out slow and basic and builds its way to the finish. It has challenges inspired by Portal, metalforgere, and Oli the G got some ideas in on this one. I'm probably going to release this map this weekend or the next, depending on how people respond to the preview the next couple days.