Freak dude your maps are amazing, and very original. keep it up dude. I think your one of the better forgers on this website. okay time to dl :[|]
I'm going to agree with Texas, it's a little on the small side. It's a novel idea (much like your other maps), but I personally find that they don't make for the greatest gameplay. For example, because you made it high up, you hit the invisible roof practically every time you jump. I'm not sure what the intention was when it could have been just as good on the ground (obviously a little raised because of the ramps). That's my 2 pence. So, kudos for trying something new but I don't think it works out to be especially fun in the long run.
Nice job chalk up another good map from theMallet, also you need to get that post count up you would be awsome as a guilder.
I really like the look of this map. It makes for a great aesthetic area, but the gameplay really isn't that strong. The layout is simply too small and just doesn't really work well for even two on two. I really am glad you made this, I just am more partial to it's looks.
Once again, this all looks extremely neat and professional. You obviousley put a lot of care into your maps and deserve recognition for them. Good job! ~SS
Great job Matty, I love the chamfered edges on the pictures, it makes it look more official. One thing I would change would be interlocking. There are a few places that I feel it would be better to have interlocked objects, such as the path in the last section. That way it would look like one long, flowing path, and not like a bunch of seperate objects.
ouch, midair maps are so fun to make!!! :sarcastic_squirrel: good job forbidden grenade jumpers as well. 5/5
It's the type of map that inspires me to start forging right now, which is exactly what i'm going to do =).
Wow, nice map...... if you interlocked the hill I would of praised you on hand and knees. Very good job.
I don't mean to offend you Mallet but.... This map looks great, just blew me away how cool that sloping street was and the center section. But... it didn't play well for me. Even in 1v1, I just didn't like the gameplay layout or just the way it felt. I still think you did a great job making it though...
Definitely doesn't look that great, in my opinion. But, it must be better than what I can see, because its coming from the man who created the most fully interlocked map, and revolutionized forging. I hope to God you have Recon.