Map Gameplay: The map is designed for 2 teams of 4-6 players for either team slayer or CTF based games. The map is symetrical in design, with weapon distribution even across the map. Matches will be relatively quick with a majority of the action based around the centre of the map with covered positions overlooking each teams spawn area. Upper bridge has an overshield power up located in the middle whilst lower has a sniper rifle. There are no vehicles, quick transport from one side of the map to the other is done using man cannons, each base has one leading to the opponents rear half of the map. If the centre of the map is held by one team the man cannon or lower bridge offer a flanking opportunity against the cover positions in the centre of the map. Map Design: This is a medium to small scale map, most of my maps have been around this scale to date. The map is symetrical with there being little difference in layout between each base giving neither team an advantage. I loved "Narrows" from Halo 3, this map uses some of its elements but differs considerably in terms of layout. I love aesthetic appeal from maps, I chose the energy beam from tempest as the centre piece of my map and made use of geometric shapes to make the structures blend in with the rest of the map. Weapons + Powerups: 1 x Sniper rifle 1 x Overshield 2 x Assault Rifle 2 x Concussion Rifle 2 x Needler 2 x Needle Rifle 2 x Plasma Pistol 2 x Plasma Repeater 2 x Shotgun 4 x DMR 4 x Fragementation Grenade 4 x Plasma Grenade Comments: I map this map just after Bungie day, was one of my quicker maps made to date, but recieved 130+ hits since I uploaded to fileshare, I havent shared this with anyone but 2 of my friends as of yet. I may yet change this map in the future as of when glitches and bugs are pointed out to me, any criticisim or suggestions are welcome. Screenies: Thanks for reading
Looks splendid- I wanted to incorporate the beam into one of my maps but didn't manage it. Will download and test as soon as possible.
I just wish I had more space along the length of the beam to create a longer middle section to the bridge, an arched mid section and greater distance between the pylons would open the upper section up to more ranged combat. As it is you can snipe from one spawn to the other, not exactly my favourite scenario but as you will recall Narrows was pretty much the same in that regard.
Deserving bump, played this map last night. First off I just wanted to commend you on an amazing piece of architecture, aesthetically it's flawless and has some serious charm to it. Working in Tempest can be a serious pain, I know all about it. I have a simple suggestion and some actual input from play testing. I initially tried to play a game of FFA, it kept spawning me on the bottom of Tempest and I'd suicide. I suppose there are no neutral spawns, so I'd go about adding those in. As for TS, it worked just fine. Also, while I know this is not the MLG area per say, many of us use MLG settings. Just so you know, the lift is not strong enough to bring the player to each side when using MLG gravity. I had the same problem with one of my maps, you simply have to tweak it until it works for both, it's doable. Again, this may or may not bother you, just wanted to give you a heads up. As for my own personal suggestions after some play time, the bottom of the map ends up feeling like more of a secret area than part of the map. The reason is because predominantly there is only one area of access on each spawn to get there. Sure, you can jump from middle, but it's not obvious nor does it look or feel meant to be. The middle jump is also tricky in the midst of battle. I'd look to add some access to the bottom floor via the middle of the map. This would also allow players on the bottom floor access to the top without running from A to B and using the lift by each teams spawn. This becomes a bit redundant and as I'm sure you are aware, competitive maps should always have multiple options. The top portion plays fine. Not much line of sight and tons of cover, but I'm not going to criticize the actual agenda, that is obviously what you were going for and I respect that. More so I adapted to it and enjoyed myself quite a bit. I never want to criticize an agenda nor idea, I don't think that is what we're here for as critiquers. I do however want to look at how well you completed your original idea and in this case, I'd say you were pretty much spot on. If you amend the middle section a hair to allow more access, I'd surely play it regularly. Great job!
Ok thanks for that I hadn't thought about the MLG play settings affecting gravity. As for opening up the middle of the map, I played on Narrows again and feel that perhaps adding walways in the centre of the bridge to allow movement up and down is appropriate. I have a slight problem with the man cannons bouncing the player off the invisible cieling of the map if set to a greater elevation. Needs some thought on that fix. Will place neutral spawners on the map. Will post an updated version shortly *Edit, fixed all issues you brought forward, some of the cover on the bridge has been altered slightly too. Thanks for your input
yeah, i was gonna do something with the beam too, but never got around to it... still think im gonna, but good map. looks like choke points could be a problem tho...