Yeah, I know I spelled it wrong, but Bungie doesn't let me name it right. Because of the "raper" part of it. All right this is just a preview of a map I'm going to release Friday night because I can't get on again before then. Actually the map is finished completely. INSPIRATIONS: Well, I've seen so many recreations of maps and one day an idea popped into my head and I thought that I should recreate that skyscraper battle map we all loved on Mario Kart 64. It would be an interesting idea in the sky bubble. (I found out later that somebody already made Block Fort, which I thought was pretty cool.) So I started making the map: MAKING OF: Well, i started out making a simple octagon. 3 double blocks per side. It's a lot harder than it seems. In fact at the end I really cheated because I screwed up the octagon, but only slightly. I added a little wall in between one of the angles. I almost didn't know how to make an octagon at first because of the diagonals being perfect, but I figured it out. Then I put an extra layer on that octagon. (each side now 2x3 double blocks.) I filled up the inside area of the Skyscraper map, and made the ramps in the very center (you don't even want to know how hard that was). Then I went around and added tons of ramps more that had to be at near-perfect angles for my liking. (When I say ramp, I mean a column on it's side raised about a ten degree angle.) Then, to top it off, I had to make the little "caves" from the original map. Two of them are only slightly off, but they are not very noticeable in gameplay. One other thing that isn't noticeable in gameplay is the slight unevenness in some areas of the double wall ground due to the times I had to leave and go back into the map (teardrop thing). This picture shows just the beginning of it: I actually am quite happy with how it turned out. The aesthetics are great, the vehicles are in good spots, and it works well with these gametypes: Rocket Race Monster Trucks In Rocket Race, only the mongooses are there. The vehicles are on instant respawn so that when your team gets blown off you come back and your mongoose should be ready (SHOULD be because I haven't gotten the chance to test it yet) In Monster Trucks, the mongooses are gone (THANK GOD!!) and the vehicles there are: 4 warthogs, 4 prowlers, and 8 ghosts. I was going to make 4choppers and 4 ghosts instead, but the choppers are almost unstoppable unless they drive off the edge. They can shoot people off and if you ram them head-to-head, you die. I had some people come out and help me come up with small, but time-saving and one important idea. The main person did is LUCKY1234 so I thank him for that. Then there were those people who would kill each other off to the side and drive around. i have also requested that this one guy takes some action pics this week so I can show you the final product. Either way, if you wish to download anyways, here is the link to the descriptionless map (will update on Friday): Skyscrayper I also must warn you that warthogs often nose-dive when coming off of there starting place, but because of the position they start, there is almost no chance that someone will have time to splatter you. FX: Juicy and Gloomy. ALL OBJECTS USED. REACHED HARD LIMIT. Edit: Anybody here who downloads and gives me pics to post here, that would be greatly appreciated (but please don't post them yourself)