Skyscraper Siege- Infection

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by fud4fatboY, May 21, 2012.

  1. fud4fatboY

    fud4fatboY Promethean

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    Hey everyone, i have been thinking about a few maps that will hopefully be coming out soon. This map that i will be descussing soon will be in a future map pack about how Earth was invaded by an alien race.

    anyways the map in the series here is going to be an infection gametype for the map. story plot of it is city is destroyed, end of civilization, your last hope is the tops of skysrapers. I want the map to play sort of the way 5 levels of terror did. I think the type of infection for this is jorney but i may be mistaken.

    when humans first spawn i want it to be a rush, your in a skyscraper and zombies start flooding threw a window and the stairs leading up. there will be 3 or 4 zombies at the begining. humans must work thier way up the skyscraper with zombies constantly rushing them from behind. they will have to hold out there for a minute. once on the roof top, there is a turret and falcon... falcon? well i will do a lot to make sure its not overpowered. main point/roll of the falcon is to protect advancing humans.

    next phase they will start climbing a collapsed skyscraper, there will be zombies running down from the top of the building while humans advance.

    after that i am lost on what to do, zombies will start spawning in UFOs around the map. i need anyone reading this to help me come up with some sort of other phases. i would like to get around 5 to 7 phases. each phase consisting of a minute. please comment on what you think i should do on this map. thanks everyone!
  2. Vigorous97

    Vigorous97 Promethean

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    Interesting... Perhaps a last ditch effort on the humans part to repel the invasion by blowing up one of these ufos?
  3. fud4fatboY

    fud4fatboY Promethean

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    hmm i might think about that? just curious on how that would work though on infection? could you possible give a little more detail on that?
  4. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is what you have now:
    Phase 1. Working way up to Roof
    Phase 2. Holding out at Roof
    Phase 3. Climbing new, collapsed building

    This is what I would add to keep thing logical and interesting:
    Phase 4. Reaching the Penthouse, finding new weaponry.
    Phase 5. Moving to a new Skyscraper, which is also high but still stands, in which the first Skyscraper has crashed into. (this is kind of like in the movie Cloverfield, in case you've seen it)
    Phase 6. Moving to the top.
    Phase 7. Final hold out at the roof (make it pretty huge and not too flat, with not too many sight line blockers besides that). After that, all hope is lost - or the humans just survive of course.

    However, 7 phases is A LOT. Maybe you should stick with something around 4.
    5 Levels of Terror is definitely a great map, but don't forget that, unlike with your map, there are not that many aesthetics. In your case, you probably wanna add things to make the building look pretty real and not too blend, as well as adding environment (nobody builds skyscrapers out in the open, in nature). Keeping all of this in mind, it will be very difficult to reach 7 phases.

    Four or five phases is probably more useful for more reasons other than just aesthetics: You can have longer times in the hold out rooms, making it more teamwork based, as well as making the travel time shorter thus making it easier for humans to find their way around and getting to understand the map earlier. Hack, even 3 phases could work. Just see how far you can get with the budget and what plays best.
    #4 REMkings, May 24, 2012
    Last edited: May 24, 2012
  5. fud4fatboY

    fud4fatboY Promethean

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    wow that acctully seems really good, i will think about it and how it would work, thanks for the idea
  6. Vigorous97

    Vigorous97 Promethean

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    You could have a jump down or a man cannon up to a spaceship, When it spawns, at which time they must hold out in it until a teleported spawns, letting them escape to the next area, perhaps accompanied by an explosion of some sort.
  7. fud4fatboY

    fud4fatboY Promethean

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    so the humans would go into one of the UFOs? interesting
  8. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The last thing I would do when having an alien invasion is entering one of their ships when trying to run away from them. But that could be just me ;)
  9. fud4fatboY

    fud4fatboY Promethean

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    i acctully like the idea of them holding on a roof top more but i will have to think of it more. thanks for the opinion though
  10. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I think REMkings Idea would be really cool.

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