skyrise Created by yorgie g Supported Gametypes: catpure the flag, king of the hill Map Description this is my newest map inspired by headlong it looks nothing like headlong but any way skyrise is a symetrical objective map based on a city landscape weapon list: 4 battle rifles 2 assualt rifles 2 plasma rifles 1 brute shot 1 shotgun 1 sniper 1 pistol 4 smgs 6 spike grenades 6 plasma grenades 8 frag grenades 1 power drain 1 trip mine 2 regenerator 1 active camo now for the pics _________________________________________________ the defender base the attacker base the outside of the bases the table/flag room the elevator/the big building the helipad and the roof loading station roof of the loading station the nebourhood by the warehouses and the roofs of the houses and finaly the link:linky thank in advance and have fun on skyrise update 1.2 -added more cover -changed elevator -added tele doors to get higher places -more defencive equitment updated pic will be uploaded soon
nice and neat interlocking, which is good. I don't know about the gameplay cause there isn't that much cover. you should add some more like on the towers
this is cool i love how most of it up high and down low that is very cool and i love the elevator to the heli pad
Nice use of forging, I see that you made a mancannon into a "Broken sewer pipe". I like the Hi rise area too. I'll give it a 5/5
nice interlocking, i think your map could use more cover though, and other ways to get higher on the map, stairs, or geomerging. 4/5
nice idea, i think it looks really cool, nice idea i guess but not enough cover, i think like killnon2
A lot of times when you make maps too high up, you can't jump because of invisible barriers. It slows down gameplay. I hope you didn't build it that high. I also think you could have made the platforms a little more level. For the most part, it looks nice though. Nothing amazing, but nice. 3.5/5.
the top isnt that high and i know i need more cover but im out of walls and theres only one door left
from what i knw, it's not a broken pipe in the mddle and there's no heli-pad. its not too high that you bump into the barrier and we've tried to block off every possible way to get on those little ledges or to get on th big walls infront of the bases where the players spawn.
the map looks okay, i like the way you made the lift, and the box with shield doors around it is getting old and that is for everyone not just you incase you feel that way