I heard that. I think, all up, Ive put about 400 hours into Oblivion all up, and god knows how much Id played Morrowind. It was on my old Xbox1, and I dont think they had a game timer on your saves in that one. But I know it was a shitload, as Id explored just about the entirety of the island. Strangely, Ive only put about 150 or so hours into Fallout 3/New Vegas, all up. I like that game, but its not as explorey as Elder Scrolls for some reason.
But will they be randomized events, or story? We don't want (actually we do, it'd be awesome) dragons randomly turning up and killing all our NPCs.
They are still probably randomized with some factor in there decreasing the chances. Also they only go where you go, and don't forget the guards... Also, it has been confirmed that if a store owner dies, replacements can happen.
I was worried about this as well. I had a problem in Oblivion where I couldn't complete a Daedric quest involving the Countess of Leyawiin because she makes the occasional trip north with a guard. I later found a horse and her guard fighting wildlife, but there was no trace of her. I don't want to have to worry about a Dragon killing any NPC's, as unassuming as they may be.
I believe the game is much more dynamic to compensate. And there is a larger segregation between complex, scripted quests and the radiant quests. The complex ones will probably make the characters essential (cannot die) so that quests cannot be broken. And radiant quests will pass the quest to another NPC.
Apparently they have a system in place which reroutes quests through different characters similar to the way missed clues in la noire are found through other means. although there must be times where it comes down to one person that you must interact with..
Her horse respawn, her guard respawns, she doesn't. I'm pretty sure it's because she's a racist jerk and they knew people would want to kill her. It's a shame like 3 quests revolve around her though. I've never gotten to stab her in the neck with a longsword while she was asleep. Also I'm glad daggers will work better in Skyrim.
She's unkillable until you do the Thieves' Guild quest, but she should remain that way for both quests involving her, especially since she travels. I haven't found her body, but I've looked eveywhere with detect life and no luck. It's too bad, because I could never do the final Daedric quest either.
If you were on PC you could fix this in 10 seconds.. It really is a shame they are focusing on console...
Well the Unofficial patch takes care of it, too. I think if the communication and support post-launch is good enough, there's no reason Bethesda can't put out major patches like that as well. Also, the links you posted were taken down, unfortunately.
Yea i noticed. They might be on Gametrailers though i don't know. If not, i think that this '30 minute play-through' that was private at e3 will slowly be released in the form of videos, so we'll be seeing that content more soon anyway. It makes no sense that they would show content to journalists alone and not release to the general public.
Now that I think of it there is a spell in the Shivering Isles that may help. If you finish the unmarked quest where you have to take the skulls back to their ghosts you get a spell that brings back the dead and makes them follow you until they die again (if you revive someone to fight their exfriends then be careful, sometimes they stay loyal). If you find her body (which should stay since she's a named character) then you can bring her back with that spell. Then just go to her party with the zombie following you and hopefully it will let you finish it.
I've considered that, too, but I can't seem to track her body down, either. I found the horse and guard within sight of Bravil, but I suppose she could be anywhere between Leyawiin and Chorrol. I should make a point of it one day; I'll probably play Oblivion a bit to get ready for Skyrim before it's out.
The Construction Set, A.K.A. the "Creation Kit" might not be available until after launch. Gamasutra - News - Interview: Todd Howard On The Scope, Vision Of Skyrim I might breach my personal limits and attend a ___con and see this at quake con... Bethesda confirms Skyrim, Prey 2, RAGE demos for QuakeCon | VG247