That great. Youre entitled to your opinion, and clearly, you prefer co-op games. Unfortunately, the Elder Scrolls series has always been a single-player driven game, and will never change. I was saying that if they ever did, then it wouldnt be as fun. And it would also probably be impossible. The world is huge, and to render it twice on a split-screen would be extremely hard without breaking the game. I like playing multiplayer games as well, just no co-op. Im not a fan of co-op and never have been. But thats my opinion. Co-op campaigns dont do it for me, but I like playing competitively against other players in dedicated multiplayer sections of a game, ie, deathmatches, or head to heads.
I don't really understand what about co-op would make things worse in anyway. You can easily choose not to participate in it if you so choose, but for the people who do like it, it adds that extra dimension. I know that elder scrolls has absolutely no intention of doing co-op, but I am just disagreeing with you saying that co-op could somehow make it worse. Your sole real reason there was the resource issue, which can be fixed by making the engine efficient by sharing basically 100% of the resources, somewhat reducing the size of loading zone regions so less is actually fully loaded at one time, and, given that this game is not going to have it, supposedly we would be discussing it as a possibility for the next game, which would be on a new console with greatly increased capabilities (doubling speed of tech is roughly 2 years, it has already been 6 years since 360 came out, meaning the technology is 8 times better then it was then (2*2*2)), meaning that resources are much more capable of supporting it. I am honestly curious as to the harm that adding co-op does to a game...
There is only one place I can even see multiplayer working in Skyrim, and I wish it had been implemented. Dueling Arena. My thoughts on co-op are a resounding no. The main focus of the main storylines of every elder scroll has been the lone wolf that saves the day for pre-destined reasons, not the army of two that burns paths. Sure it could add dynamics to dungeons, but thats about it. Maybe a co-op dungeon clearing, but thats stretching the storyline too much. The videos, although they make me excited, crush one of my hopes and soothe another. Seeing as those dungeons had openings where light came in, that kills the chance of levitation, which gave morrowind so much dungeon flexibility. But when they walked into the town, I think that proves that the cities are in the same world as the main map, more like morrowind and not like oblivion (thank god).
Don't listen to Xun, a 3 player co-op where you could load up your own game world would be amazing. If you didn't want that experience then you wouldn't have to have it, but if it was there you'd use it and it'd be a hell of a lot of fun. Could that be modded?
It has already been confirmed that there will be no levitation and that the big cities exist in separate cells, like Oblivion. The smaller towns, such as Riverwood, the one you see the player walking through in the E3 demos, will be in the same cell as the open world, so yeah, those places will be like Morrowind. And for a town, Riverwood looks to be a good sized settlement.
Yeah, but the reason it hasn't been done for Oblivion (besides PC) is the insane amount of work that would have to be put into it. Its really not feasible if you aren't getting paid.
Sorry, let me rephrase what I said. If Bethesda ever made a co-op Elder Scrolls game, it wouldnt be as fun, for me. I would still play the game, but if it were solely a co-operative game then I wouldnt enjoy it as much as if it were just a single player game and would likely not pick it up. I prefer single player games because they allow me to play them at the pace I choose, not have someone else there pushing me along, not letting me do the things I want to do. I dont know the exact reason why, but co-op games have never clicked with me. The only one I have enjoyed so far is Portal 2. But that was probably because Id played through the single player already, and I knew the mechanics of the game from the previous title as well. I have nothing against you for liking them, so dont see this as a personal attack, because its not supposed to be. My reply to your post was merely meant to describe why I dont prefer them, but obviously I wasnt clear enough and I apologize for that. God, shoot me in the foot, why dont you . Like Orlando, clearly you like co-op games. Im not saying you shouldnt like them, I was just stating my opinion, and it seems to have enraged some people ,:\. I wouldnt use it if it were available because of the reasons stated above. But one extra reason why I dont like the idea of co-op is that I believe that in some games which have had it, it has lessened the quality of the game overall, as the dev has focused too much on ways to make the game fun for two people and have stretched themselves too far. These were mainly games back when co-op was the new thing, and everyone wanted them in their game, so it was not as well done as it may be now days. Still, it has soured me on the idea and I dont see myself succumbing to it any time soon. Ive predominantly been a single player lover since I got my first Gameboy way back when, and Im too stubborn to change now. Also, I think there are mods for the PC version of Oblivion that allow co-op play.
For Bethesda, a company with decades of NO multilayer, the idea of Coop is about as exciting and reasonable as having some freshly baked cookies waiting for you in the case when you buy it. And you don't need to argue it, we get that coop would be cool, but the creation engine for skyrim, like every engine they have made before it, will not support any multiplayer for a whole number of reasons. The act of modding it for coop would be creating the game from scratch, such as importing all of the assets into UDK or Crytec. But then you would just have the game world. No quests, dialogue, scripts, npc's, items... Oblivion online is glitchy as hell. All it does is report the 2nd players actions and script them to an NPC in your game. So your not actually playing online.
Seperate cells, sure, but thats different from seperate worlds. Any large game has seperate cells for one map... you know those split-second lags between major areas? Seperate cells. It has yet to be confirmed if you must go through a constantly closed main gate for every city.
Yeah same here. That game will be the end of my social life. Well, whatever was left of it after I discovered forge...
Wrong. In this interview Todd Howard confirmed that the five major cities in Skyrim will be walled-off in a seperate loading zone, like in Oblivion, due to limitations concerning memory.
They also said there would be fifteen or so minor cities that were part of the outside game-world, and that they would be just the same as Morrowind cities.
As long as they make it flow better than Oblivion... like an ornate gatehouse instead of just a giant door with a [ulr=]sfumato[/url]-ized city behind it. I still wish they could have implemented levitation... the dungeon possibilities!!!
Levitation would have been cool to get back, but I think it was abused in Morrowind too much, hence why they removed it in Oblivion. It was fun as hell to use, but it was a game breaking addition they didnt foresee when they made the game; it effectively allowed you to get to areas you werent supposed to be able to get to until later in the game. Like over the Ghost Fence.
I never played Morowind but I've heard plenty about levitation. All you need to do is use a levitation spell and use some arrows to win the game. Very game breaking.
boots of blinding speed + constant effect resist magicka + constant effect levitation = godlike character Game breaking yes, but it was fun when I played a third time and decided to use all the glitches and cheats. As cool as it was though, it's good that they took it out for Oblivion and Skyrim. Otherwise they'd have to put heavy restrictions on the spell's use, as in where for example you cannot use the spell in the open world or in certain dungeons.
I guess I'll have to wait until memory capacity is good enough for 1 world of multiple cells, including dungeons. Until then, I have to stay on the ****ing ground. The only limitations they would need are soft kill zones (like red mountain in Morrowind before you're supposed to go there) if they implemented it. Not to mention the point of the Elder Scrolls hasn't been "how fast can you beat the main plot" as much as it has been "play a **** ton and lose your social life"