This is my very first posted map on forgehub. My map is called skyline, a city map based off of the map, BIG APPLE, by samples30003820. I wanted to make one like it so here it is: The overview of the city View of construction yard View from sniper post 1 View from sniper post 2 *gasp! a secret bubble shield *gasp! a secret spartan lazor *gasp! a So there is my map! remember, i used no interlocking, so please no anger from that. I sincerely hope u like my map. EDIT: I HAVE FIXED THE POWERUP ISSUE!!!!!!! THE POWERUPS ARE NOW DELETED!!!!!!!!! :] : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
its an okay map, i like how theres alot of stacked boxes giving the city effect, nice for a first post. 3/5
i could really easily reach all of those powerups which is not a good thing, because they will ruin the map
no interlocking is fine for this map. good idea if u were going for a sky scraper look. but u should mess with the power ups cuz its easy to get to them. 3.5/5
i have now fixed the powerup thing, thanks for telling me. i forgot you could grenade jump. thanks for the comments!
wat is the map suppose to b. I cant tell wat it is. The map looks really origanal no interlocking or any thing
needz mor intrlox... jk. this seems like an ok map but you need to not have so many powerweapons bunched up together. 3/5
Thanks for the shott out I come on this site all the time to checkout maps, I was blown away to see my name and the only map I’ve posted on forgehubs mentioned. Just when i thought my map had been long forgotten... The pictures aren’t enough. I wish I had my 360 still so I could try out your map and get a feel for what you did and how you did it... Thanks again and much respect
It looks good for no interlocking. I could use some more pics though. Those power-ups look dangerously easy to get. (NADE JUMP) Nice first map post, btw.
Yes this does look like a good map for no interlox. I think Stacking up the boxes gives them a nice City effect! But yeah, those Power-ups at the top can really screw up the map. They are not that hard to get to... 3.5/5, It could use some work, but its ok!
do not worry any longer! the powerups have been taken off! i have replaced the link, so no more powerups! oh problem, i loved ur map it was amazing.