
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Deadsayer, Oct 18, 2011.

  1. Deadsayer

    Deadsayer Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Battle it out on this laboratory in the sky to take control of advanced technologies.

    This map is my second attempt at an original map and is currently a team slayer only map. However, this will change in a couple of days. Upcoming game types will include King of The Hill, Odd Ball, CTF, and possibly Assault. Jet packs not recommended. Hope you enjoy . . . feedback always appreciated.

    Weapons list:
    Magnum x2
    Dmr x2
    shotgun x2
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Plasma Rifle x2
    Plasma Repeater x2
    Needle Rifle x2
    Needler x2
    Sniper Rifle x1
    Rocket Launcher x1

    Grenades List:
    Frag x4
    Plasma x4

    Health Stations x4

    Here are a few Screen shots:






    #1 Deadsayer, Oct 18, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011
  2. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Good work man, I don't see why your having so much problems with posts probably they thought the Kill Ball was scary anyway so I just like to say you've got a defiant style compared to much of what others forgers on Hub usually acheive, I've only seen about 2 or 3 use the upturned covers as windows and portholes and I like how you took the liberty to make it have a factory type of feel along with that side of temple themed. I also like to mention though you shouldn't use the senery as a bunch of artifically set up, senery and explosives. Try to make it less sysmetrical some to give it a more natural feel. Good work from PHANTOMSTRIK3!
  3. mcclintonsl

    mcclintonsl Forerunner

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    Its not that the kill ball is scary, its just that the kill ball object in general looks terrible and like it was placed by a noob forger whose like 'omg lets put all these killing things over the map' They can also cause lag.
    Nothing against your map, its just the connotations associated with kill balls...just sayin'
    #3 mcclintonsl, Oct 18, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011
  4. Deadsayer

    Deadsayer Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow, can't say i was expecting this. First of all i would like to say thank you PhantomStrike for taking the time to post some decent feedback . . . Completely hear you on the scenery bit and agree with you 100%. Second, Just want to put out there that the kill ball is not even within the playable area of the map and is more so for the theme and color. Please do not base your decision to check out my map soley on the fact that you see a kill ball. This is barely even noticeable during game play, unless you are looking straight up standing on the center platform.
  5. mcclintonsl

    mcclintonsl Forerunner

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    Yeah but its central in the thumbnail, which is what people will look at and decide whether to click or not. So in that way as its first impressions, its a massive part of your map.
  6. Deadsayer

    Deadsayer Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Point taken. I have already begun revamping my map. Perhaps I posted it a little too soon. I will have the modified version of the map uploaded shortly. Again, Thanks for the feedback
    #6 Deadsayer, Oct 18, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011
  7. ShKai

    ShKai Forerunner

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    Killballs cause lag regardless of location or interactivity. Along with the lights that illuminate a lot of the dense structures. My worry here is not the overall gameplay or looks (it does look good) but the screen lag that may occur whether single or split because I play a lot with my gf on the same console. A suggestion though if you do encounter screen lag would be to remove the lights, Killball or both.
  8. Deadsayer

    Deadsayer Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I have completely revamped this map based on everyone's input. No more kill ball no more light effects. I have also change the map itself a little. Feedback very welcome. Enjoy
  9. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ok just got back and I like the changes but I thought it might look a bit cooler if you added a satellite antenna along with the middle changes. It kind of makes the map have a more artifical feel as this is a supposed map based off a factory, I like the idea and the changes look good but I feel the middle of your map is a bit bear. Adding the antenna or adding more senery or more blocks of cover in my opinion would help gameplay along with adding a more comfortable map. This is just my opinion, you don't have to agree but the map changes greatly helped the map in my opinion, good work! Oh ya, have you thought of shortening the name to something like Skylab. Adding Complex to the end sounds like this is a casual or asthetic, when usual Halo competitive maps are common to have short and sweet and to the point names. It would probably fit the map better and fits the theme better.
    #9 PhantomStrike, Oct 18, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011
  10. Deadsayer

    Deadsayer Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Noted. I am going to wait a little while before going back and making changes. I want to get as much feedback as possible first. The only reason i went in and made these changes so quickly is because i was not completely confident in uploading this map so soon. Thanks again for your feedback btw.
    #10 Deadsayer, Oct 18, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011

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