
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by A BombRuleZ, Dec 19, 2011.

  1. A BombRuleZ

    A BombRuleZ Forerunner

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    0 : Halo Reach : File Details - link to map.

    This map is called SkyBox, which i chose because it looked alot like a huge box when i first started designing it. This map was designed for smaller games, which will make game play alot faster paced and less camping. This map is a mixture of long and short range area's, which is meant to mix things up a bit. for exampe so that anyoying kid with the sniper (yeah you all know what im talking about lol) ;) doesn't have the advantaged sniping you from acrossed the map, and you with your assult rifle have no chance. SkyBox was designed for team slayer, slayer, and working on odd ball, head hunter, and territory game types.

    enjoy some pictures! :) : Halo Reach : File Details BombRuleZ - The hallway near the red base. : Halo Reach : File Details BombRuleZ - This is the blue base. : Halo Reach : File Details BombRuleZ - SkyBox <3.

    so a little about myself. I've been making maps ever since halo 3 came into my hands back in 2009. At first i was terrible but i didn't care i loved it. I never tried to get my maps out there, so this will be my first attempt. i would appricate any feedback you all have to give. positive and even negitive feedback would really help me out. - link to map.
    #1 A BombRuleZ, Dec 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2011
  2. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Needs moar pictures. And yes, I looked at the ones on your fileshare. How's the framerate? I can see a good bit of glass in this map.
  3. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks kind of rushed and it needs more pics and I have the same question as S0uthernNumber1 and that is are there any frame rate problems.
  4. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    For future reference, the title of a map thread should be the name of the map only. I fixed it for you this time.

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