SKYBASE A68-1F KINGS VARIANT A sprawling heavilly armed base floats over standoff. Download Map Download Gametype Description: A sprawling heavilly armed base floats over standoff spewing fusion cores and propane tanks across the central valley creating an impenetrable barrier across most of it. The top platform is protected by two story shield walls as well as a host of anti-air weaponry and sniper weapons also multiple machine gun and plasma turrets. The attacking team spawns on the opposite side of the map with a warthog gauss and late spawning banshees as well as all kinds of missle and sniper weapons. I set up the map as one sided vip and one flag variants (Kings Variant) the defending team spawns at the skybase only. The only way up for attackers is by banshee or by opening the door in the ground base below. A teleporter inside will take you up to the lower tier of floating catwalks. If you can get the flag at the top of the base there is a man cannon just in front of the flag placement that will send you flying half way across the map over a valley of exploding fusion cores and propane tanks. If you survive the flag return is in the default position just ahead in the attacker base. [/url][/img][/url][/img][/url][/img][/url][/img][/url][/img][/url][/img]
Thumbnails=Fail Make the screenies bigger. Next time, format that huge wall of text into paragraphs. Also, Skybases are sort of overdone now. This one's good though. Seems too chaotic for my tastes.
Sorry guys this is my first post so I didnt get the pics to load big but check the map out. It took me 20 plus hours to perfect by myself. I dont know any other forgers.
Skybases are becoming a repeatative design theme, especially on Standoff. I would urge you to spend more time on your own unique idea rather than recreating yet another, common design. Looks like you put time into creating this though so I commend you for that. Overall, looks good, for a skybase that is.
Repetition ftw. Otherwise, as so many times already said, It looks nice even though, and you did put alot of time into, so you have my imaginary DL(my box is broken )
Guys the skybase theme may have been done before, im not sure cause I have downloaded alot of customs from forge hub and have yet to see anything even close to this. First off I have obsessive compulsive disorderso the maps I build are meticulous in aesthetics and extensively playtested by respectibly ranked players. Opening it on forge is one thing but actually playing 4 on 4 or 6 on 6 matches is a tactical challenge. Teamates must play there part in providing sniper and missile coverage for thier attacking counterparts that must contend with defenders with many of the same long range weapons using the high ground as an advantage. Now unfortunately my OCD doesnt come with how to post pics on forum (i suck at this and really cant dedicate the time, but throw this game down with 8 or more of your friends and youll see why I spent so much time on it.