Sandbox Sky Race

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by AgileDan92, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    Ok, Let me start off by saying that this is possibly the best map I've forged. It is a mongoose obstacle course that has harder obstacles the further you go. There are three checkpoints linked to the teleporters at the spawn location. All you do is knock the fusion coil off the receiver node once you make it that far, and the corresponding teleporter becomes unblocked. The checkpoints are identifiable by the lights above them. The teleporter with the blue light is linked to the checkpoint with the blue light. The same goes for the red light and the one with no light.

    This is an overview of the first three obstacles: The first jump, the balancing jump, and the bumps:


    This is immediately after the third obstacle and shows the scaffolding jump and the diagonal platforms and ends in the blue checkpoint:


    Ok, the easy stuff is over. You've reached the first checkpoint and are faced with the intimidating wall rider obstacle. You must find a way to reach the platform at the top. Good luck.


    Once you get past the wall rider, you have to jump off of the golf holes onto the T-wall. Then you must maneuver yourself around the part of the wall that sticks up. After that, you traverse the wooden bridges, followed by the difficult man cannon jump. Good luck landing on the small platform at the end.


    If you survive the man cannon jump, you've reached the next checkpoint. Now you must cross the momentum bridge, followed by the shield door jump.


    Once you make it this far, you are faced with the ninja warrior-inspired obstacle: The warped wall. The goal is to reach the platform at the top. This is immediately followed by the crooked jump, which is self-explanatory.


    After the crooked jump, you must perform a tricky U-Turn on a small platform, then jump to the point shown in this picture. (I didn't think that part was difficult enough to earn a picture of it's own). Anyways, this is the final checkpoint. We've reached the extremely difficult portion of the course now. First, you must traverse the impossible-looking cliff hanger, followed by the balance beam, and the warped tunnel.


    Now you are faced with the broken bridge obstacle. Traverse the various platforms, and climb to the final obstacle...


    You've finally reached the final obstacle: The menacing Ring of Fire. I would like to draw your attention to the fact the the hole you must jump through is not centered on the ramp. I had it centered at one point, but this made it too easy. If you just ramped straight at full speed, you made it every single time, and that's no fun at all. Besides, this is a bit more challenging, and I know you guys like challenges. Good luck my friends. Good luck.


    Now, here are some action shots of my brother and I on the course:

    It's not a mongoose. It's a puma.


    Scaling the Warped Wall:


    After coming this far, you'd make us do THAT!?!?!?


    Failure. (NOTE: I'm not sure it's possible to make the final jump with two people on the mongoose. I've had the driver make it before, while the passenger got shaved off, but the most common result is this picture. If you have two people make it, post a video of it in a comment below, or email it to I'd love to see it.)




    At this point, I'd like to note that every obstacle has been tested and tweaked over and over. (This means things that aren't straight aren't straight for a reason. They improve the gameplay, so please no "This platform needs straightening" comments.) Every obstacle is possible and has been completed at least twenty times. (That also means please no "This obstacle is impossible" comments. I've done them all, and they are possible.)

    Download the map here: : Halo 3 File Details

    Download the gametype here: : Halo 3 File Details

    I'd also like to thank Xifos Nychta, Dan Unleashed, Ethan Unleashed, Articonecro, EgelTalon42, and Penalty Killer for helping test the map and coming up with some obstacle ideas.
    #1 AgileDan92, Jun 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2009
  2. The Stickmen

    The Stickmen Ancient
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    "Everything looks good but that platform needs straightening.....Listen this is beautiful. I find race maps a little boring although its really just not my style of map. As a personal fan of jump maps this combines both of those into one great idea. I'm not sure I've seen a mongoose obstacle course before but this looks amazing. Will definately get a DL from me." says former Green Bay QB Brett Favre
  3. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    This map does look very challenging and I thinkg it was really smart that you put checkpoints in the game. Sadly, I see a way of breaking the map if you have the player starting off with guns, they can simply shoot the fusion coil enough that it tips over allowing them to procceed. I can't really see from the pictures if they spawn with plasma pistols or swords, but hopefully they are swords. One more thing you might want to change is the name of the map itself, Sky Race has been taken already and is a bit overused.
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    This undoubtedly could be the most challenging mongoose course I've ever seen. It's very long, and I can already see myself failing this over and over and over. Especially at the ring of fire, although that's probably the kind of thing where you just have to remember the perfect spot. I don't believe that it needs to be cleaned up, hell the messiness is partly what makes it difficult.

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
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    You should post a video of you finishing this map. It seems VERY chalenging, I could see myself falling off of the pallet bridge a lot.
  6. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Im not really a fan of mongoose challenges, although this one looks surprisingly fun. I will download this and give it a try. Also, that final challenge looks like it will be quite frustrating, which is just the way i like it. ^^
  7. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    Thanks for the positive feedback guys. Also, I am working on a second map like this, and would like some ideas for new obstacles. Anybody that gives me an idea that I use gets a personal thank when the map is posted (like the people at the bottom of my map post here) and will also be mentioned where the description of the obstacle and picture of it show up in the post.

    Thanks guys.
    #7 AgileDan92, Jun 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2009
  8. Articonecro

    Articonecro Ancient
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    I'd like to start of by saying thank you for allowing me to work with you on this map. I'm glad to see that my wooden bridges and man cannon jump got into the final design.Its a great map, and it will take some time to beat. It was great fun to help you build and test the map, and i would love to help you with your next one too. 10/10
  9. mikecincifan22

    mikecincifan22 Ancient
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    haha this is a sick map i love the ninja warrior stuff it is just like it the final obstcal is crazy you must have to do that a thousand times cause u are almost completely blind when u go up there. Very nice deffinatly DL
  10. Articonecro

    Articonecro Ancient
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    Finally beat this one too. This is definately harder than Burning Rubber. The last jump took me FOR-EV-ER. But I still did it, so HA! Can't wait for another one.

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