this map starts off in the back of the 2 identical bases on standoff humans in one and zombies on the other both teams make their way to the shutter and go through the teleporter, to the upper base. then you take a mongoose and go across the sheild door bridge then go down the chute and get weapons and jumo back up the grav tunnel through the teleporter to the sniping range. then across the bridge to the glitch for safety ok well thats the jist of it hope you like it give me some comments on how to edit it thanks : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing needs to be used with this fat kids!
I love how you got under the map. How did you do that? This looks like a very clean infection map. Havn't seen a map on Stanoff in a while since Avalanche has better objects. Great job
This looks like a very nice infection map! The good thing is that it has aesthetics and looks like it will have good gameplay. I will probably download this map! 4/5 I would rate it just looking at the pictures.
nice map on standoff i like the glitchc and the sheild door bridge great map for ur first map great job ill dl and check out
thats pretty cool, good idea, a little soppy, but so what. I like how you got under the aap, thats pretty original for a map like standoff.
how is this a mini game i would put it under casual really any way also it is a really nice map how do you get under the map
Ya same here it was pretty cool going under the satelite thing. anyway great map but a little sloppy. 3.9/5
seems kind of unfair to the zombies because it seems pretty hard for the zombies to catch up with the fat kid variant although i like those maps were you have to run away from them instead of holding them off