Sky High on Bereavement

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Hey You, Nov 14, 2010.

  1. Hey You

    Hey You Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Kill for skulls. Capture point is at the top of map. Use your jetpack or jump from block to block to Reach the top.

    This is my first map and Gametype I made in Reach. The objective of the game is to kill other players and get to the top with your skulls to capture them. You have Jetpacks and you can jump higher than normal. There are blocks and other items on the walls and floating in the air.
    Map Version 2 & 3 Changes:
    -Mid Air Blocks now replaced with destroyable,Portable shields.
    -Roof Redesigned
    -Gap in Floor Fixed
    -Outter wall facing the rest of forge world replaced with windows
    -Floor Redone (More floor space,less cracks)
    -Fixed Spawns. (There was a spawn on two that fell into the water)
    -Floor realignment

    Gametype Version 2 Changes:
    -Health Increased a tiny bit
    -1 Sticky,1 Frag added to all loadouts
    -DMR Removed
    -Spawn timer increase


    This is the Capture Hill. It is located at the top of the map. I used to have two, one at the top and one at the bottom. I removed the bottom one because people could just sit down there and wait for skulls to drop.


    This is the very bottom of the map. The Slits between the pillars are too small for Players to fall through, but big enough for skulls to go through. People can still camp at the bottom, but have to move quickly to catch falling skulls. Version 4 changed the floor to reduce the amount of slits and have more floor space.


    These are Portable shields. There are 5-7 on the map.They are located in the middle portions of the map. They can catch falling skulls and people can land on that.

    They are easily destroyed by either meleeing or shooting them.


    Health packs
    heal your health meter. There are 4 on the map

    Map Version 4 Planned Changes:
    Gametype Version 3 Planned Changes:


    Sky High on Bereavement File Set

    Please let me know what you think. Any suggestions,comments or criticism is welcome. I'm also taking suggestions for tweaks and changes to the Sky High Gametype for V3.

    I would also like films of games if you could provide them.
    #1 Hey You, Nov 14, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2010
  2. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    Great concept and the map looks really fun. For your first gametype bravo, and I hope this takes you far. The only think I am concerned about it neatness. The map looks neat to me but I cant get over the fact of random block and things floating in midair. That does not look good to me. if you could some how make that it looks a little better, that would be nice. I am just wondering how long it took you to make it and any other questions just ask.
  3. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The shields look better than the random sandbags because they look like they could catch skulls and also they can be shot to break them spilling the skulls that have fallen there to greedy players waiting below. They also are more aesthetically pleasing then the weird floating sand bags.
  4. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Echoing what Arctic said, this is a very creative concept and I hope it's as fun as it seems! Love to see originality like this. To echo Arctic on his other point as well, it does feel a little lacking in the beauty area. I haven't DL'd, but at least from your thread, the map isn't very eyecatching. If I were you, I would replace the ceiling made from shield doors with a Grid laid out across the ceiling. I would then border it on the edges, probably with coliseum walls since that's what your walls are made from. My mind always finds suspended shield doors or grids for this matter to seem too unrealistic and tacky. The bordering will make it look more constructed and solid. And then maybe you could have some columns or railings ornately hanging down and outlining the capture point to turn it into a chandelier of sorts. Man, if this game is good fun, then I say it has a lot of potential. I think I could spruce it up even more with some other ideas if you're interested. Just message me on here if you want some help, I would be glad to give it to you. Again, nice work.

    P.S - You may want to consider a name change for the gametype since Ell3ment's popular Halo 3 map Blast Off!'s gametype is called Fly High. Not a big deal, but y'know, jus' sayin'.
    #4 ImI METAL ImI, Nov 14, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2010
  5. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    I think this is a good idea for a map. I think for this idea you have a great opportunity to have some great astetics. Good Job.
  6. Hey You

    Hey You Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I kinda dislike it as well maybe only have the blocks on the side and have the middle area open for Jetpacking and Jumping?

    That's very true, never thought of that. I believe I still have some shields left, maybe I'll do what I said above and clear out the middle except for the shields.
    You mean one of the two large grids?

    Good idea.

    Thank you :)

    I'll consider this.

    Thank you guys for your suggestions, I'm glad you like them. I'll consider all of your ideas in version 2. Any more suggestions you guys think of or anyone else comes up with, feel free to post.

    Edit: Sadly I haven't gotten a chance to play much on the map, if you guys could post a film if you do play on it I would appreciate it.
    #6 Hey You, Nov 14, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2010
  7. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    Well i dont want you to think you have to but what I was going for is yes, blocks on the sides only. Also for the middle you could put structures in the middle, no problem. But I would like to see maybe a pole rising up to the object. You know to show it is not just floating in the air. Or maybe it would be hanging from the ceiling... Just some ideas.
  8. Hey You

    Hey You Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Do you mean a pole up to the capture point?
  9. Informist

    Informist Forerunner

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    I think its a great for headhunter. I played it with my friends and they thought it was fun.
  10. Hey You

    Hey You Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Really? :D

    By any chance do you have a film of the game?

    Edit: How many did you play it with? Did that number work well?
    #10 Hey You, Nov 15, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010
  11. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    It hard to explain but like this... As you can see the capture point is suspended on the top of the map, in mid air. Like so instead the blocks floating in air there are neatly placed railings under them to make them look like they are balanced by something instead of just floating.
    Hope this helps :)
  12. Hey You

    Hey You Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've updated this map and version 2 is now out! Download it and let me know what you think. I'm taking suggestions for Map Version 3 and Gametype version 2.

    Any films of you playing on this map would be appreciated.

    Here's a list of the changes I've made:

    Version 2 Changes:

    -Mid Air Blocks now replaced with destroyable,Portable shields.
    -Roof Redesigned
    -Gap in Floor Fixed
    -Outter wall facing the rest of forge world replaced with windows

    Edited by merge:

    Based on feedback and playtesting I've released version 4 of the map and Version 2 of the Gametype.

    Map Version 4 Changes:
    -Floor Redone (More floor space,less cracks)
    -Fixed Spawns. (There was a spawn on two that fell into the water)

    Gametype Version 2 Changes:
    -Health Increased a tiny bit
    -1 Sticky,1 Frag added to all loadouts
    -DMR Removed
    #12 Hey You, Nov 27, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2010

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