This is my Halo 3 Sky Fort, map (Avalanche) and gametype. The attackers must use the vehicles located in the garage at the bottom of the map to deliver the bomb to the sky fort, located at the top of the map. There is a ramp so the vehicles can drive up. However, the defenders must hold their ground at the top of the sky fort, fending off all the attackers with their limited supply of weapons. Whole Map:¤t=20090426-144507.jpg Sky Fort Spartan Side 1:¤t=20090426-144449.jpg Sky Fort Spartan Side 2:¤t=20090426-144445.jpg Sky Fort Covenant Side:¤t=20090426-144418.jpg Garage and Air Base:¤t=20090426-144323.jpg Ramp:¤t=20090426-144349.jpg Located here: : Halo 3 File Details or in my file share: : Halo 3 File Share Gameplay: *NOTE*: this was on a WAY earlier version of the map, so the map is close, but not really the same. The ramp has been fixed and the the map has been balanced.
this post is not up to forgehub standards if you do not wish to get this post locked I recommend you add some images.
map you need to add pics or this post will get locked in like an hour so hurry up. also i know you have a vid but you need at least one pic on the post.