This map is my first on sandbox and forgehub. All critisism is appreciated. This map is not quite symmetrical. Set up for slayer and CTF. Download link-Halo 3 File Details Credit to ossoono for helping place spawn points....
I like the layout of the map. It looks pretty pleasing but you might not want to use walls as floors unless their higher in the air becuz the slant when you put them on the grid. All and all This looks pretty good. I will take a forgethrough and see what it could improve. Edit: After taking a forgethrough on this map I have found that it is really sloppy in some places, mostly in the open places. If you make a v2 you should try to make it less sloppy
I like the lighting you made it to,it was just perfect! Also what he said,nice layout. Next time make a weapon list and describtion but you insanly past some requirments. Welcome to forgehub.Go to the rules section and go to map posting help. Nice map overall.
yeah I like the layout to it looks pretty fun for like 2v2,3v3 and maybe a 4v4 and in other words i like the map nice job.
The layout of them map as well as the architecture is quite original, but I would add a lot of cover into play, it seems too open. Especially if theres going to be the hornet.
the hornet is a transport hornet. Also I ran out of money. I was hoping the tunnels would become big parts of the map's play field because of their cover.
This map looks sick for your first map dude! On Sandbox, it's a bit hard to tell if there is interlocking or tell if it is neat or not. It does look a bit open though, and if you were going to go to the other base you would be dead meat. I would DL this, but I don't have Sandbox yet and probally wont for a while Nice effort though, from what I can see and expect, 4/5!