Hi, What's the best way to make a floor in skybubble? I've tried using double blocks + interlocking and the surface turns out bumpy. (perhaps the blocks themselves aren't completely even?) I would rather not use walls because I want something thicker. Any help here would be great. Thanks, TheArlstocrats
Ya sorry to say man, the skybubble can not make perfect floors like foundry can, I don't know why but people always say on comments that you can not make it completely even, all you can do is interlock as cleanly as possible. Good luck with this.(not like it is really that hard)
I was making a Conquest map in skybubble, and ran into same problem, The floor no matter what your going to do WILL be bumpy, but to make it NOT LOOK bumpy, Use double blocks flipped over (upside down). It makes a thick floor, and comes out smoother. Single blocks are a lot smoother too, but thats alot of interlocking, and prolly more gameplay bumps. Block Huges big flat side proves to be a nice floor tooo.
Thanks for the insight. I'll try again. It's just so frustrating that you can't make it perfect though.