Sky Blitz Sky Blitz is my latest mini game project that has been in the works for a couple of weeks now. It's an attack/defend game where opponents switch roles at the end of each 2-minute round. The offense tries to launch golf balls with their hammers over the defenders and through the goal. The defense uses their focus rifles to attempt to stop the onslaught of golf balls from passing over them. The cool thing is, though, the defenders are passengers of stationary revenants. I did this so players could be able to defend easier since they are in third person. It's also more fun. Here are some (crappy) pictures of the map. Overview. Defense on the right, offense left. Defense spawns in front of a fixed focus rifle blocking their path to the revenant, so the must pick it up (within 10 seconds). Better view of defense spawn. Better view of offense spawn. Thanks for checking out this preview. If you are interested in helping test this, I need players desperately so please let me know. Thanks.
Looks cool, can't really get an impression of what it will be like just yet so I'm looking forward to the actual thread once 343i opens up their new file system!