Sky Battle Created by Assassinman117,Gunlover100 Supported Gametypes: Slayer Map Description This map is on the top grid of sandbox there are two mini-bases with equipment inside, including 2 maulers, 1 Fuel rod and 1 Spartan Laser in each. You start and respawn in one of them, Out side there is a tunnel system you can go through or go up a ramp leading to the battlefield which houses a sniper tower, to get to it you must jump onto a box and jump onto another housing a grav lift leading to a baricaded sniper tower, Weapon List: 4 Maulers, 2 Fuel Rod guns, 2 Spartan Lasers, 3 Shotguns, 2 Brute Shots, 2 RPGs, 2 Needlers, 2 Energy Swords, 2 Sentinel Beams, 2 Plasmas, 2 Spikes and 4 Firebombs Feel my Assualt Rifle Wraith Ha Ha Good Luck surviving this I <3 melee Overview of map Overview of one bunker Inside the tunnel system Feel my lasers wrath Have a grenade Sword Duel!! Eat Grenade ADDITIONAL SUMMING-UP COMMENTS AND THANKS FOR ANYONE GIVING FEEDBACK HERE Download Gametype is regular Team Slayer
Ok I am very sorry about the pics they are not working atm i spent like an hour trying to fix them ...
well im sorry to say but from the 3 pics you have here your map looks kind of like just a wide open rectangle get more pics
I'm going to be honest: <inserts Constructive criticism> Well, the map just seems a bit, empty, judging from the screenshots. I like the free open space, but there's just not enough to do When i see more screenshots, i will edit this post, and give my full opinion
Uhh, good luck with your screenshots. But just a bit of advice, long tunnel tubes are bad in a map. They provide no cover for someone with a good BR shot. Fix pics etc. and il rate and comment properly
IM fixing the pics and it is open i will likely change the map to add some structures, and just so you know, i did not spend even close to 5 minutes on the map i spent more like 5 hours
5 hours? I made a map much better then this with loads of interlocking in three.. this map does need more and I will check in when you finish fixing it. right now its about a 3/10