Sky Base

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Truegamaz101, Jan 16, 2009.


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  1. Truegamaz101

    Truegamaz101 Ancient
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    Sky Base
    Created by Truegamaz101

    Supported Gametypes:
    Infestation (My Infection Gametype)

    Located high in the sky, this human made base offers great protect. That is if only you can reach it... 6-16 players

    Map Description
    This is my version of sky base. I made this map a while back now and decided to post it. The humans start close to the zombies at the start so the key for the humans is to throw granades and shoot the zombies at the start. From months of showing this map, many humans die at the start. The key for the zombies is to kill the humans before they reach the sky base. Once on the sky base, humans have many weapons available. Before you can reach the skybase, their are many bridges and open double boxes w/ pallets to go threw. Always look back and you'll survive.


    Sky Base Overview

    Sky Base Overview 2

    This is the entrance to the sky base. On your route up to the main base, you will encounter many pallets that you will need to break. Also visible is an oversheild used primarely by the zombies.

    Always look back! Zombies always intend to surprise you. Once you pass the crate, you are half-way to reaching the sky base.

    The final bridges before you reach the sky base. Their are sheild doors that are meant to be used by the zombies when approching the humans at the base.

    The Sky Base. I've seen many maps called sky base before, but mine is actually in the sky. If you jump, you'll fall to your death. Many guns are available including 1 sniper and 1 rocket launcher. Use your amunition wisely.

    This is the area where the zombies and humans start. They spawn really close to eachother so humans, turn around and shoot right away.


    Download Sky Base
    Download Infestation
  2. AssassinChao

    AssassinChao Ancient
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    hmmm this is an interesting map... idk if i like it cuz theres only 1 way for the humans to go and it duznt look like theres any protection from spawnkilling the zombies. i give it a 3/5 because i like the idea but i think it could be improved upon keep forging! :) u definitely have potential
  3. leadhead51

    leadhead51 Ancient
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    looks good but i agree. spawnkilling sucks=[ maybe if it had 2 ways up and protection from spawn killing it would be more diffulcult. but i love the idea. too many times have people cheathed death by jumping off and landing safely

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Well kind of a little late for this map too be posted any where :/ But this map was fun while it lasted and still kind of is. But dispite that its been out for a while and every ones seen it, just not intresting for this map

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