This is my first attempt at making a map. The map has been built inside the Coliseum part of Forge World and is essentially symmetrical in layout. There is a central structure with an arrangement of ramps and bridges surrounding it. The Red and Blue sides are clearly distinguished and each side has a pair of grav lifts, two mounted machine guns and a mongoose. The mongooses have been included purely for fun as the map has been designed to be mongoose friendly. The central and highest platform has a sniper rifle and med kit. It also has a hole in the floor with an overshield powerup in it. You need to drop through the hole to pick up the overshield. Armour abilities are located under the ramps in each corner. Man cannons allow for quick movement either towards the central structure of sideways of the walkway that joins each teams side of the map. (please note that the Red side man cannon will not always get you up onto the platform at the central structure. This is because the platform on the Red side is slightly higher than on the Blue side due to the shape of the central building. If you run at it in the direction that the man cannon fires, you will make it.) Finally, the central structure's roof is lined with explosives. These can be detonated if shot and can kill someone if they are close enough - especially if flying nearby with a jetpack. I hope you enjoy my first attempt at making a map. Feel free to share it with your friends. Cheers, skin.