Sorry if this is in the wrong area, but I figured it went here. Compressing your sketchups will make them much faster to up/download, faster to open, and obviously will take up less space if you have a lot of them. Sketchup Designed by : Soloist Original Method by : TheEpicCiabatta [*]Step 1 [*]Open The File. [*]Open The File. [*]Step 2 [*]Select All. [*]Control + A. Control + C to copy. [*]Step 3 [*]Open a new file. [*]Control + N. [*]Step 4 [*]Paste the file. [*]Control + V. [*]Step 5 [*]Save as new and look at the difference. [*]Save as new and look at the difference. [*]Step 6 [*]Using components from the folder. [*]Download this file and extract it to this directory. (You must do this so you can use components, they are no longer in model.) [*]C:/Program Files/Google/Google Sketchup7/Components. [*]Now click on the little dropdown by the house and go to components. [*]Step 7 [*]Open the components folder. [*]Have fun sketching.
That's really interesting and helpful! Thanks for this, as I know from firsthand experiences how slow Sketchup can be on certain computers. Here, you get a cookie: