Sketchup city

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Beettaaa, May 18, 2008.

  1. Beettaaa

    Beettaaa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To view original thread:

    Me and RubbrDuckE have decided to make a city in sketchup. This would be a compilation of work of buildings and objects.

    First we have to decide what knd of objects to place inside the city, what kind of city (destroyed, futuristic, etc), and who is going to do what.

    If you are going to be in this, please state so in a post.
    If you are going to work on a building, any visible insides of the building has to be modelled. No large blank insides, but only if the windows are boarded up, etc.

    Who's in this?

    XKG x Oblivion

    To join, you must register on Sketchup Studios

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