Sweet blaze. Cant wait to see what you can do. If you haven't started on something already...i was looking for someone to design a map for me. Originally Posted by WheezyMoney 1v1? Something like this is what i had in mind. Thanks alot!
Dualality I created this in some spare time, I really could not think of a proper idea for the bases but I created the middle with an idea in mind that man cannons in the bases could shoot players into the center "bowl". So however you end up building the bases is up to you. Also sniper power weapons are located in the slit wall hallway. Now for some pics, because I know, if you don't have pics, it didn't happen. P.S. I know this one sucked, that's why I'm not linking it to the OP. Food for thought though.
Thought is good. Im glad you posted this cause im already getting ideas. Keep it up. Anyone else got anything? and xylom you have any ideas for The collab cerb and i are doing?
Hectic, I promised you a sketch-up and after about 15 restarts, I think I have an awesome design finally. I need to get home to actually start it, I have it drawn out but it is so perfect that I won't have to delay on you anymore. I should be done in about 2 hours, I'll post the pics in this thread for you.
Thanks a bunch limey. I know i have been bugging you alot but im glad to see you finally have a worthwhile design. Hopefully i can make it the best it can be. Of course you will be involved in the whole process and welcome to see it whenever you like.
ok, well here is what I have so far, my brother wanted to play Halo Wars so I let him and got some food. Bad news, for some reason now my computer keeps spazzing when I try to make anymore and is being a pain in the ass. I uploaded the file and took pics of what I got. If you want to finish the sketchup, then ok, otherwise I have an idea of how to finish it entirely. Here are a few pics of what I got so far: DL Link:http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?djjmzmdy2tz
Ill do Limeyyyy'ss. Edit 4 non spam: Limeyyy, I like what you have there, i can make that and maybe add some thing if you would like
I will also grab Dualtality, if that is acceptable. I think it falls under what i like to forge. Edit: LOL sorry i am a forgewhore.
You can have Hierarchy, I started another design that uses the rectangle Idea that dualality has so I am going to have to take that off the list. Plus, Dualality would play like **** anyway. So get started, I'll probably send you a fr later tonight and start joining your forging sessions randomly. Edit about the question: Yes you just post in this thread asking if you can create it, and if the creator says no then I guess not but if the creator doesn't say anything in this thread I would reccomend pm'ing him/her and asking. Also obviously if the creator says yes you can create it.
I'll take the un-named that isn't taken if you will let me. Furthermore, I saw your Free-Agent Forger thing. If the map I want is in fact taken, then I would like to become a Free-Agent forger. The maps I usually like to build: either large main-level sandbox maps with vehicles or small 1v1/2v2 maps up in sky bubble or in crypt.
ok go ahead and infract me for bumping this idc, this thread needed to have stickied cause its really good, and these guys can make great sketchs so you guys should start back up on them.
Here's a new one, go crazy, I'll update my original post and try and get a pic or two. [highlight]Ravage[/highlight] I had to redownload google sketchup and ravage, which is why it took me awhile to get a pic.