Yea its fine, it's what the thread is for Reserved for more Sketchup, I suck at full map layouts so I'll just keep posting random bits and bobs that will be able to be built upon.
i'll make another full map design soon, stay tuned. Edit: Getting to work nao. Edit2: Here's what I came up with today, will finish it later.
Hey well i decided to help out this thread and post some stuff. I'll just be posting random bits and peices maybe some full layouts later. Heres what i made in like half an hour i don't think its that great but hey thats just my opinion. Someone else may think its perfect. EDIT: I wish to adopt Un-named by The Violence Within I will also get in contact with him. Heres a random base i guess? Just an overview
id really like it if someone would post just a blank sketch up of sandbox... all 3 floors... that would just make my day... cuz im new to sketch up and i kinda suck... id love a templet to base my stuff on
Hey xylom, what happened to hitmanfluffy's Sandbox template? I think he's taken the file off filefront because I can't seem to access it when I click that link.
Orly? I'll see if I can update the link. I made a mirror on file factory, I don't thing file front is working at all, as of lately.
Hey i just recently adopted a map, but i wish for you to update it back to available. Unfortunately i can't forge this map due to another project and no where near enough time to do both. Sorry for any inconvinence caused. BTW i'll be posting some random bits and pieces maybe a layout whenever i am just creating. Hopeing this gets stickied to.
I'm working on a map that I inherited from Ace when it was in its infancy. I am currently working on an overall design for it that will incorporate this: Nobody steal this or else! And yes, I am ready and willing to do all of that geomerging.
Wait cerb. its a sketchup ADOPTION THREAD. Are you looking for a partner? if so im in but im not really sure if you are giving that up or what? EDIT: that means no one take the idea ^^^^^. CErb and i might be collabing.
Rofl. You asked if anyone was working on anything new, I answered. I'm most certainly not giving up, I'm just putting the picture up there to spark some creativity in some of the other Sketchers.
ohh cool, thats going to look amazing on sandbox, and i no for a fact that cerberus can do it, is ace going to also help you on this one?
Actually, no. I may be doing the rest of the map with Hectic, but I don't know yet. The sunken structure is ALL MINE. MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!
Xylom are you working on anything currently? if so would you mind posting yourre new ideas? thanks. IM trying to get inspiration for a map.