Just throwing this out there, Sketchup 5 is a 3D program that lets you design houses, maps, buildings, whatever you want very fast. Its super easy to learn, you can basically learn it in around 45 mins, it has tutorials and everything. You can lay down map designs relitively easy, and fast. www.sketchup.com/ Here's some examples I made of what you can do in less than an hour in sketchup. Concept Map_1: Quarantine: [Upcoming map by me.] Has design for top and bottom floors, only made 2/3 of the map, theres another mirror base at the other end of the middle wall.
Yea i was thinking about Sketchup a few days ago for this exact purpose. I havn't used it in a while, and i guess i'll download the newest version. Also, the best thing about it is that it's free!! also its April now, and they're out with version 6
it is free, and it works on my computer and my computer is completely crap so it should work on yours fine.
Seems like a lot of work to get your map in the program. It will be like forging the same map twice, but with different tools. I wish I had the patience to use Sketchup. I can barely use Photoshop and I'm using that to make a diagram of my next map right now. It will suffice for now. Whatever happened to making all the objects (dumpster video comes to mind) in sketchup? --dc
Hey, I think I found the wrong download link. Keeps coming up with 'You have 400 minutes left till something-or-other'.
My bad... no, JK. I lead that project. We are taking a break. We were all kind of bored, but we are still going to do it eventually. But yes, I have mentioned this program multiple times, and there are a bunch of threads floating around about this. Good job bringing it back up, but that doesn't mean it isn't old news. But, doesn't matter, it is awesome. Ummm.... why do you say Version 5? 6 has been out since the beginning of July... (aka, forever)
this would be great for basic map planning and also for map overview pics, is there a premade foundry we can use?