3D Modeling In Sketchup_________________________________________________ I Know its not video game related, but I thought I would post these anyways. These are just a few of my models that I have made. The first video, "Building a House in Sketchup", is a quick build of a simple house. This video was noticed and used by Google in one of thier presentations, Google Developer Day US - Extending Google SketchUp The second, "My Sketchup Projects", is video that showcases some of my better architectural works. The third video, "More Sketchup Creations", displays some models that are on a much smaller scale, accurate to the nearest 1/20 of a millimeter. Enjoy. [youtube]rJcMe1OFBRQ[/youtube] "Building a House in Sketchup" [youtube]DSErvfmPPh4[/youtube] "My Sketchup Projects" [youtube]tH364OReW9A[/youtube] "More Sketchup Creations" _________________________________________________Thanks For Watching, ~Projectt2501~
This....is....awsome!, Im into architecture and that looks like an awsome software for it! Awsome videos, I like the mansion and the rocket gun in the second video.
I used to be awesome at SketchUp. I have been using it for about a year. Would you help me in a project? Here's the thread: Linky-link EDIT: Man! I've gotta start using that again. I used to be as good as you (when I found time) but I haven't used it in over half a year. Sad face.
Pretty amazing... I have been looking for a good 3D program... this one looks a lot less complicated then the one I use now... You've got some real skill - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
Thanks for the positive feedback. Next fall, I will be attending NDSU for architecture._________________________________________________ Oh man, I know what you mean, but the house in the first video only took me about two and a half hours.
I've been messing with GS for a while, but I keep having problems with attempting any amount of detail, as it tends to snap to varrious lines and axis'. Is there any way to disable this, because your models look amazing, and I can see them being incredebly difficult with the constant snapping.
Under settings, at least in my case (I have v.6 pro), you can turn on and off different snap settings, like midpoints, endpoints, faces, ect. But yea, it was hella hard to get that small. The memory stick was so small that it wouldn't let me texture it, I drew all the lines that make up the writing. I was like this: :squirrel_rocking: _________________________________________________ Also, I am looking for more ideas. If anybody has any suggestions, within reason, I would be happy to attempt them.
I would like help on a current SU project. It is located here: Linky-link . I am attempting to build Foundry's object pallet and Foundry itself. This would help everyone plan maps out. Please PM me if you could help. You are amazing at this, BTW.
Oh my god, yes..! Absolutly. I had thought about this a while back. I would love to do this. Have you started this yet? If so, what scale are you using? If not, I would suggest scaling it to 2 meters per tile on the floor. But yea, I will start on Foundry itself tomorow, this is great, I've been waiting for something like this. Also, I can run simulations with a physics engine in Sketchup. Do you have pro, or the freeware?
ive downloaded this, and i must say its pretty impressive. Im having the hardest time postioning the camrera where i want it.
Try using the middle mouse button (or push in the scroll wheel) that is the instantanious orbit button. Ps: if you look under options or tools, you can view a list of all the hotkeys.
I have the freeware, but I also have a physics emulator. It is sweet. It's called sketchyphysics. I can't do animations, though... And about the scale, you can decide that, I have no idea what to use. Just make sure to tell me what it is. I was using the Foundry objects thread for a reference, but that uses GU's which I have no clue what they are, so as long as I can convert it somehow to feet or meters, I'll be good. Also, I don't know about texturing, but we'll talk about that.
this may be a stupid question but you drew a rocket launcher thing so couldnt this be used to imagine things on forge like in foundry so you have like a map of where to place things.
Umm..... yes! half of this thread has been discussing that. We are currently in the process of making that...
It is posible, however you need an other program to convert the model into a format the game understands.