As something slightly like Omegle/Chat Roulette, I considered posting this in OT but thought it better off in here since it's very much GnA related. I don't know if this is something well known or not, I certainly hadn't heard of it until my friend and I stumbled on it earlier. You draw a sketch using your mouse (or, as is mentioned on the website, a tablet is better if you have one) then submit it, you will then receive a random sketch from someone else on your screen, and another random will in turn get yours when they submit one. We played around with it for a bit and got some pretty cool sketches (the screen dumps are on my friend's computer, I'll grab and edit them in at some point), much better than our pretty laughable offerings, but it's quite fun even if you're not very good. Pro Tip: As will become evident the first time you receive a random sketch (maybe that 'Pro' was misplaced...), you see the sketch drawn as the person drew it, just really fast. Use this to your advantage when drawing the sketch itself. With this in mind, Sketchswap is basically 1v1, turn-based Rolf Harris. If you give it a go, screen dump any cool sketches you draw or receive and post them in here.
Dude, this is really cool! P.S. What's a screen dump and how do I do it? Is that the print screen function? (Sorry for sounding noobish lol).
Accidently got a watermark on it and before realising I sent it already, tried to remove it but oh well. ---