THis map is the smoothest map I've ever made. It takes place on the "pillar" section of Forge World. Its the first slayer map to utilize alll the levels of the pillar and does so in a very cool way. Not only are there ramps heading from the top to bottom but there is also a midpoint man cannon and a teleporter at the top and bottom. The rocket launcher is placed at the center of the map on the top, and the energy sword is placed at the very bottom near the teleporter. The sniper tower is homee to, you guessed it, the sniper! THe map also has a grenade launcher at the center, a focus rifle, a needle rifle, and a needler. 3 DMRs are scattered in tactical spots throughout the map. i thought about putting banshees in the map but i figured that would be a bad choice considering there is hardly any cover protecting from outside the pillar. Here are the pics: above is the opening view of the map when it is played notice the map is realistic. all is suspended by rocks here you can see the sniper tower and the circular metal sheet where te rocket spawns a view where you can see the top teleporter above is the second teleoprter ALL CRITISISM IS WANTED. AND PLEASE DL. THX EVERYBODY
First of all, this map is WAAAY too open. Try adding more cover in places like pic #3. The area at the bottom is just plain empty. On the other hand, it is a nice template for future maps you could make. 2.5/5
You should really add more cover. At least with DMR starts, it is extremely easy to hold that tower because anyone who wants to kill you has to run through a series of completely empty walkways and plateaus making them easy kills. The lift and teleporter do something to help this problem, but perhaps not enough.