Looks weird, somewhat scary. Backgroud looks okay, I would just darken the text a little bitt. Good job!
i know but the only problem with the CnC thread is IT DOESNT WORK! i have asked for Cnc for a cuple sigs but after a week it still had no replies until i pretty much spammed the Cnc thread asking people to go back a cuple pages and give it CnC. it moves way too fast and making a new thread works alot better.
It's still the rules. You can't post these kinds of threads, and the Cnc forum always works for me. No one cares about your opionion. Quit spamming.
lmao you tell me to not break rules but your warned lmao. i see a bunch of other people doing it you havent said anything to them and i havent heard anything about them being infracted so it must not be that important of a rule. and also the point of the G&A section is to show off your art and get comment on how to inmprove and what people like and stuff. so its not spam, i dont understand why people decided sigs dont count as graphics and they are spam so they should be shoved away in a little sticky that doesnt work. and any ways im not gunna listen to you unless your a mod or other staff member. that includes loyals because they are awesome and purple. but if tex or insane told me not to then ill stop. i havent yet been told by a moderator that is is against the rules and right after i post this i am going to the rules section to look. even if it is in the rules the obviously dont inforce it very well lolz. EDIT: Here is all the rules copied and pasted and i do not see one thing about posted a signature CnC thread outside of the Universal CnC thread. Now if the rule was that important dont you think that a mod would edit the rule in?rules are in the spoiler. you can apoligize later lmao jk im not THAT much of a cocky bastard lol. Spoiler <<Read Before Posting!>> Forum Rules No spamming. For "A Closer Look" at Spam, Click Here. No double posting. For "A Closer Look" at Double Posting, Click Here. No necrobumping. For "A Closer Look" at Necrobumping, Click Here. No flaming. Do NOT excessively criticize forge creations. Listen to the staff members. Do not claim someone's map was your idea. This is an old and tiresome exercise. Arguing over who's head the idea popped into first is pointless. If you want to do this go and join the eight year olds flaming on the Bungie forums. No personal insults. Do not flood the forums - this will immediately net you a perma-ban. Post in the appropriate areas. NO racism, sexism, or abuse of power is tolerated. This includes use of derogatory terms towards sexuality, race, gender, etc. The posting or linking to of pirated property, software, or other files constitutes a minimum 50 day ban. Illegal activities are not tolerated here. Do not rate a map without even downloading it. Map Posting Rules Maps must include at least one embedded picture of the map. All pictures must be embedded. Download links must lead to a posted map on the bungie forums, NOT your fileshare. You must include at least a brief description of the map. Post titles must consist of the map name ONLY and no other symbols, comments or irregular formatting. Failure to post your map correctly will lead to a topic lock after 24 hours in the absence of a fix. Signature Rules All signatures must abide by all of the forum rules. Signatures must be 500 x 200 or less. Signatures must not have more than either: 2 quotes and 1 line of text 1 quote and 3 lines of text 10 lines of text alone Avatar Rules All Avatars must abide by all of the forum rules. Avatars may not impersonate other members. By posting on these forums you agree to the rules above and realize that you are and will be held responsible for your actions. The Infraction System The Infraction System is, in essence, an automatic ban hammer. Moderators award infractions to those pesky spammers and the irritable flamers to keep the forum running smoothly. Infractions last for a minimum of three days. After that you have a clean slate. However, further infractions can extend your period of time under a warning, leaving you at greater risk of a ban during that time. Bad Title: Thread titles should give sufficient information for busy readers to clearly identify the subject matter and decide beforehand whether it is worth their time to view its content. Cross Advertising: Posting and/or linking to duplicate information, often advertisements or spam, in multiple locations. Necro Post(s): Bumping a topic that has been inactive for a considerable period of time without good reason. Inappropriate Use of Fail: In order to prevent an endemic of internet memes obstructing constructive discussion in map topics. Proxy Account(s): Creation of duplicate accounts, usually for the purposes of (but not limited to) ban evasion or topic bumping. Violation of XBL Terms of Service: Anything that suggests involvement in or encouraging the violation of the XBOX LIVE Terms of Use. Phishing / Warez / Piracy: Illegal activity is never acceptable, but in some cases - such as in ignorance - a warning and thread clean may occur. This is at the discretion of the forgehub staff and is an extremely rare occurance. Warnings: Once a user receives 3 points, their usergroup changes to Warned and they have restricted privileges - such as not being able to use color and size tags, create or vote in polls, send PMs to more than 2 members at a time, etc etc. They remain in this usergroup until their points expire. For example, in the case of three incidents of spam posts in a single day, a user would be warned for 18 days. Bans: Once a user receives 5 or greater points, they are automatically banned for a predetermined period of time. Banned users are unable to view or interact with the forums. Attempting to circumvent a ban usually leads to more thorough and prolonged methods of exclusion. Spam, A Closer Look Spam is a serious issue here on our forums, something that is relatively disappointing. As we all know, the map section gets a lot of those "nice intarloking 5/5" comments. Some newer members seem to post such things regardless of warnings. Here are a few examples of comments that would be considered spam: Nice interlocking, will que for dl right away! (Just because you promise to download does not make it an acceptable post.) 5/5, the merging in this map looks phenomenal! (Just because you use big words does not mean that your post is any less spam.) Thanks for the comment! (Even though you might want to show your appreciation towards the members posting on your map, it does not mean it's okay to bump your map with such spam.) Anything that could be deemed spam will get you in trouble. Try to put some meaning into your posts. Not only will you refrain from getting in trouble, but you will have provided an exceptional post for the creator of the thread to work with and possibly improve on. Lastly, it will it give you a bit more respect from the community, as our members appreciate long comments about different things that could be done to improve the thread (Whether it is a video montage, or a map thread, or a topic in general chat/debate forums). Double/Triple Posting, A Closer Look Double posting: posting back to back, with no reply in between. To prevent possible trouble from doing this, simply edit your original post, and if you catch you already double posted, you can actually delete your double in the "Go Advanced" part of the edit section. Triple posting would obviously be, posting back to back to back. Quadruple posting...One worse...Though, all of these are equally bad. Necroposting/Necrobumping, A Closer Look What is necroposting? Reviving a thread, that of which has been long-deceased. Though, this can be misconstrued, as for maps in the map section, posting approximately 3 weeks after the most recent post, would earn you an infraction; whilst in the general chat/video/debate forums, you've got a variable amount of time to work with. Refraining from necro posting will save you lots of needless trouble. Here is a quick list of what could be considered necro bumping, in each of our forums:Halo Forge Maps Forums:Approximately 3 weeks.Featured Halo Maps: Post whenever, as they don't bump the map to the top of the list. Announcements: Approximately 4 weeks. As once an announcement has been discussed as much as it can, there is no reason to post in it, bumping it to the top of the Announcements Forums. Halo Forge Discussion: Approximately 4 weeks. As once a forge discussion has taken place, there is no reason for it to continue, there are places such as "The Forge Tutorial Master Index" which will provide all the facts of forge for you. Halo Screenshots:Approximately 3 weeks. A picture is worth a thousand words. With that in mind, just keep the thread open for people enjoy the spectacular screen that it is. Yet, leave it at that, as new pictures come out ever day. Customer Service:If an answer is unresolved, which is quite rare, then by all means, revive the thread for further discussion/explanation, though, if the question has been answered clearly in the thread, don't post in it.General Chat:This varies from thread to thread. If, say, a thread were to be on "The next president, Who's it going to be?" and the thread dies down for about a month, then is revived saying something like "Well, I told you so." Then you will easily have earned yourself an infraction. Though, if it is a discussion on something that is on-going; and can further be discussed; and/or would be better to revive the thread, then start a new one, by all means, revive the thread...Just bear in mind, you could be reprimanded by other members for necroposting. Videos:This also varies from thread to thread. Say someone posted a rick roll. By necroposting in that video thread, you would earn yourself an infraction. As it is a redundant video. Now, you may be asking "What is considered redundant?" This should be easy for each of you to pick out. Something like a video on machinima making/forge guides though, would be more then acceptable to necrobump 6 weeks later, as long as your post is not of spam. Graphics & Arts:Approximately 3 weeks. As time passes on, even the creator of works (after having improved) doesn't even want the thread to be bumped. Some people may be proud, but for the most part, they would get upset that someone revived an old photoshop/gimp picture. Off Topic:Even though it is off topic, doesn't mean you can't get in trouble for necroposting. Try to think it through before posting in it. Is it a true offtopic thread (Meaning it has nothing to do with anything related to the site)? Then don't post in it. Debates: Slightly more lenience is provided here, as the debates in there are intended to be an on-going discussion. Eventually, one will slide off the first page, and people may forget, so, for someone to bring up a good/valid point, would make for much more interesting discussion. Bear in mind, that doesn't excuse necrobumping for something that is considered spam, or to a level almost of. Introductions:2 weeks. Eventually, each and every one of us, becomes more then what we were. We grow up, even if already "grown up." So to bring up an old thread of "Ohaither. I'm so n so, nice to meet all of you." Is not acceptable. All in all, necrobumping is relatively variable. Though, if you feel that it is almost necro-bumping, then you better make a good post, it will make you less susceptible to infractions/reprimand from the community. Just think it through prior to hitting the "Submit Reply" button. Help us, Help you. Step 1)Under each user's name, you will find a few images. One of which, being the "Report Post" image. It looks as follows: Click this image. Step 2) You will need to briefly explain what it is about the post that you are reporting, whether it be a necro post/double post/cross-advertising, it doesn't matter. Bear in mind, that when filing out a report, that we don't necessarily have the time to read a novel of a report. We have to move on to address the rest of the reports. So, please leave your reports to quick, subtle comments, such as: Cross-Advertising. Delete/Infract. Necro Post. Delete/Infract. Double Post. Delete/Infract. Spam Post. Warning. etc. The examples above show two things, really quickly and briefly. One, they showed what the user, you are reporting, did. Two, they showed what you think we should do with the post. Now, you must know, that the post isn't guaranteed to have exactly what you wish done to it, but it will be kept in mind when the report is addressed. When reporting posts, the moderators get a new thread in the reported posts section which looks exactly like this: Quote: Quote: USERNAME has reported a post. Reason: Quote: This is where the text goes that you type in when explaining the reported post... Post: LINK TO POST Forum: LOCATION Assigned Moderators: Any Moderators, Journalists, Event Staff, and Staff. Posted by: PERSON WHO'S POST WAS REPORTED Original Content: Quote: This is the actual text, pictures, videos, etc. from the reported post... And that's all you have to do to help us keep your forums clean.
You know, chances are, you're not getting any help is because you don't offer any criticism yourself. And besides, have you seen th thread lately? It has changed from the baby days.
Learn to use commas. I'm un-fairly warned Your spamming the forums because you could just go put this in the universal CnC thread. I'm not going to apologize when I know i'm in the rite. You didn't have to post that massive wall of text. No one ever said sigs aren't GFX. By replying to my post you atomaticaly listend to me. What you meant to say is 'I won't do what you ask, because i'm jackass.'
your right about the jackass part, and the comma part, i apoligize for the warned thing if it was unfair, and we should probably continue our agument through PM's so that we dont get infracted for spam oh and by the way i ment to say the wall of text in a joking around/im-a-jackass-who-has-nothing-better-to-do-than-quote-the-rules-and-prove-you-wrong-ha-ha sorta way...
Ok quit arguing you guys are spamming. Please bring this to PM Also I like the sig you made but next time please bring it to the universal sig thread.
but i like making new threads that way i dont have to give Cnc to get CnC back. i am a lazy couch potato jackass... and thx for one of the only comments that doesnt have to do with the CnC thread.