Map Link: Skeeball Frenzy Team VIP Game Link: Skeeball VIP FFA Juggernaut Link: Skeeball Jug Description: Skeeball: sport of champions! If you've ever wondered what it would be like if the balls were... say... ATV sized, and there was more killing involved, then this map is for you. Supports a FFA juggernaut gametype where you have to go through the skeeball holes to score and a VIP team gametype where you have 1 scorer with mongoose access and 1-3 defenders who do everything they can to disrupt the other teams in their quest for skeeball glory. The FFA game is a plasma pistol affair, so use them to stop the juggernaut's mongoose's engines. The VIP game is all about rockets. I think you know what to do. Shoot for the top-most hole to score more points. There are a few teleporters scattered around the main spawning area. 2 take you to small floating boxes with brute shot spawns. From here, you can jump onto the scoring area and defend it with your life. Go ahead and blow that 'goose out of the sky. The center 'port takes you to the trap area (shown below) so you can screw over the other guys at the ramp. And the two side-most portals take you to power weapons... if you've opened the receiving teleporters. Check out the screenshots for more info. Screenshots: Overview Here's a shot of the whole skeeball arena. Play is simple. Become the juggernaut (or spawn as the VIP), get on a mongoose, go over the ramp and go through the holes. Shoot for the top-most hole for the best chance at points. [img width=650][/img] Takeoff Taking off from the center with full speed on a 'goose is a surefire way to get a couple points by hitting the top hole. Get nailed with a plasma shot, rocket, brute shot, etc, and you'll have problems, though. [img width=650][/img] Holes Here's the scoring area. There are 3 holes in the center to go down. The higher you go, the better chance you have at maxing out your points. Max of 3 for the top hole, max of 2 for the second, and max of 1 for the bottom hole (usually zero). Note the brute shot spawns to the left and right on their own teleport-accessible crates. [img width=650][/img] Ramp Here's the ramp you have to own in order to make a flawless skeeball shot. Remember: the skeeball wizard has a supple wrist... probably from playing so much Halo. [img width=650][/img] Traps There's a box above the ramp with slow-spawning equipment that you can use to distract whoever is on the mongeese. 1 mine, 1 grav lift, and 1 firebomb grenade. [img width=650][/img] Fights! To score in the free-for-all juggernaut version, you have to get juggernaut status. And to do that, you have to kill the current jug. Make sure everyone else is dead so you have a clear run for the ramp. [img width=650][/img] Laser And if you need some help... there's a laser and a gravity hammer on the missile launch pads (1 and 2), but you have to go out of your way. Or, you could brute shot the box you see here to unlock a teleporter (you still have to walk back). One shot should disturb it enough that it disappears eventually. [img width=650][/img]
This looks interesting. How did you set up scoring? I'm guessing three vertical score points with "move on arrival." Is there a minimum amount of points you can get? You said max 2 for the middle hole, but is there a minimum of 1?
It's 3 vertical points with score on arrival, yes. And it's random movement, so that's why I can't tell you how it scores exactly. (That was the only way I could get it not to move back to the top hole after you go through.) So you have a 1 in 8 chance of 3 points from the top score point, a 7 in 8 chance of 2 points from the top hole. The bottom hole will usually give you zero points, unless something strange has happened to leave the objective point there (2 VIP's at nearly the same time, an air-killed Juggernaut). And the math for hole 2 is too complicated for me to do this early in the morning. Something like 1 in 2 = zero points, 1 in 4 = 1 point, and 1 in 4 = 2 points. Hope that helps.
Whoa. This is a hilariously awesome idea. You've even got the ball return on the side. I just wish there was a way to tighten up the scoring (but I'm no VIP/Jug guru, so I can't really help you there). Is there no way to remove the randomness? Now if it only gave you arcade tickets as you play...
This looks pretty nice, but I don't really understand how the scoring works. Wait... are the points random? So you just have a 1 in whatever chance of getting points? Your explaination didn't really help. Very original. Lol
Thanks, guys, for checking out the Skeeball map if you did. As far as the scoring goes, I can't really think of a better way to do it (and I almost have a masters degree in engineering). If anybody thinks it over and figures it out, let me know. I could add a fourth scoring point below all three holes, but all that would really do is accelerate scoring. I wish I could spawn multiple objective points at once. For now, enjoy the map.
Skeeball time, everyone. I should be hosting some customs tonight. This is sure to be in the playlist. Swing by if you'd like.
This map is a great idea (I had it first but couldn't build it, lol) and a great build! Good job! Looks like you put in a lot of effort. Going to download ASAP!
I oringinaly saw this map at forge gallery and thought it was a great idea and I got a chance to play it today and it was awsome. Good job
McLovin: I actually was going to name it skeet-ball... but I decided not to at the last minute. Hope you can still enjoy it... erectionless? Gman: Sorry to beat you to the punch. Iverson and CrOok3d: Thanks much. I'm glad you had a chance to play the map. I think most people just go "Oh, hey, skeeball. Nice."
YAAAY SKEEBALL! Never would've though of THIS. 11/10 for originality. Though isn't this more of a minigame?