Skate! Skate! is a skate park! bet you never seen that one coming, did ya it has lots of things such as a manny pad, mega launch and many stairs so lets go on to the pictures! Overview 1 Overview 2 Spawns Mega launcher's landing pad Many Pad a 3 set another 3 set action picz Creator Download now map: : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details
ok you have a good idea but its empty and ur missing some things like u need a half pipe and stuff like that i just see a few things so try to expand ur idea with a second version
I saw a skate park a while ago here, and i have to say this one is not as good in comparison. In the one i saw before it had more features like jumps, halfpipes etc. and it was all done with perfect geomerging and interlocking and looked like a real skate park. Here is a picture of it : You need to do alot more work on the asthetics and tidyness and likeness of the map to keep up to the standards expected on here, seeing as it is in the asthetic map section. I am not cross advertising i am giving you advice.
So trashing on his map is now advice? I admire the work on your map man. There are a couple of things it could use but if it is fun, then it can be done in your eyes. If you would like some help straightening out this map, send me a friend request. my gt is over there. <--
The idea seems pretty original, but it seems like there is a lot of open space where you could've put more jumps and stuff. Seeing the picture Prodigious 7k posted makes your map seem... less fun and less quality
Well here a story i actually only did this in about 10 mins because in was not on my xbox in my house i was at my friends thats why i'm not were my normal armour : Mark V head, Hayabusa shoulders and Cqb body. Also another reason mine is not that good is because i can't inlock like pros or even geomerge on sandbox. i know there is a tut about using bracers but unless the find a method like the door way on foundry.
Hay dude if you want a skate park as good as I make them [ that's my skate park in the pic ] I can help you lern how to merge and jeyo-merge like a pro so just send me a freind reqest on tag [ You by cat ] peace out.
Its not the best skate map. I have seen much better ones although the half pipe looks very nice. The forging on the map is good although there is lots of empty space in which you could have made more stuff.
I'm pretty sure there isn't a half pipe on this map. Anyways, there are many other skate park maps done much better than this one. It's not really that original and it doesn't stand out from the others.
2/5. First of all, it needs more interlocking. Interlocking makes and breaks many aesthetic maps. Secondly, this idea is by no means original. There have been skate parks. Many, many skate parks. Think up something original, put in more interlocking, and you'll have a map. But the features in it itself are accurate to that of a skate park, so it's not a piece of crap.