Which do you think is better. I personally love Skate. I rank it so much higher than Proving Ground. I didn't like Proving Ground, barely any new features. What do you think. Also, can you think of any other skating games other than Skate. and the Tony Hawk series? Because I, for the life of me, cant think of one.
I just LOVED the story for Tony Hawk's Underground. Beautiful game, and just skating around was always fun. TH for me.
True, for its time THUG is a really good game, I still enjoy playing it. But I really dislike Proving Ground. Oh and Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 had the best music by a mile.
Nah, proving ground is better for me by a mile. I think skate is more like a simulater well tony hawks is more fun really. Plus the music rocks, everything from angels and airwaves to the rolling stones to root manuva. Love it all, and its probs the first game ive seen UK hiphop in.
Skate is the new skating franchise I think. Tony Hawks is old and overdone. People now want games with better graphics and realism. Also the worst thing that happend to the Hawk games is the story lines. They just get more and more ridiculous for each new Hawk game released. Skate works and has an excellent look to it. Finally games are using the joysticks more and more. Skate for me =]
i have to go with skate because i played most of the tony hawk games and i have to say its overdone. skate feels unique because you have to use joysticks in order to do tricks
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 was the apex of the franchise and all skateboarding games. Nothing will ever come close to its perfection! I'm just upset that they took down the servers so you can no longer play online.
I used to have, actually still do, the original TOny Hawks, for the 64, and one for the GBA. Go with those ones. I think they have more experience with this sort of thing.
i like skate cause you do more realistic things like real skateboarding. in th proving grounds all you do is stuff like doing a triple backflip of a 2 stair lolz. skate FTW
OK.. Tony Hawks USED to be great. Tony Hawks 1 and 2 were friggin awesome for their time. If they had stuck to the same simulator style it would have been alright... but no.. now you can do like a 900 to one footed darkslide to tripple backflip off a 50 storey building, and LAND IN A MANUAL (WTFFFFFFFF) its just retarded! you can get like 100 metres of air! I'm a skateboarder (well not so much these days but i go for a skate with some friends every now and then, won a board in a comp the other day lol) I havn't even played SKATE but I can tell from videos and friends that it is waaaaaaaay better. There are like a million versions of TH, remember what happened to Poke'mon? when there were 150 pokemon it was the best ever! now there's like a million pokemon that no one has ever heard of, its just stupid. I guess if you make it... they will buy...then be like wtf this is crap game. THUG had some pretty cool bits (like the first comp thing where you get sponsored) but most parts of it are just lame especially the challenges. STICKER SLAP 5 WALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG best game ever! COLLECT THE INGREDIENTS THAT HAPPEN TO BE FLOATING IN THE AIR ALL OVER MOSCOW TO CURE SOME GUY'S HANGOVER! SWEEEET! SKATE > THPS RAMBLE RAMBLE RAMBLE RAMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know how BS is that, you'll be lucky to do a double backflip off of an enormous ramp doing like 100 km in Skate. I love skate, I am awesome at it, not to toot my own horn. Like at the end of a game, I'm on like 30 000 and second is like 8 000 and everyone in the party is screaming "WTF man, how are you doing that!"
personally I think that the last good skate game was probably thps 3 maybe the thug series, but i hated the car driving in it, basically if i wanted realism in my skateboarding games, i would go skate (b/c i do)