Skate 2 Demo

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Linubidix, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Holyyy Crapp i love this demo!
    Its like the first skate. with improved graphics and more to do!
    However I'm kinda wondering about why your guy was in Jail D:
    And i heard this line "When you were in prison we learnt how to get off our boards."
    I mean WTF is up with that .. D:

    But overall i love it and i am buying the game release date :)

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    Ive 100%/1000G skate. (and ranked top #100 online) so I thought the demo would come naturally, but to be honest, it felt different. In a good way. Like boydy said, Why did they suddenly bring Jail into this, and how did they learn "to get off their boards". lol

    I don't like the timer, they tell you you have 5 minutes to freeskate but if you do chalenges the time increases, but once youve done them all you are left withe same amount of time.

    The new feature of getting off your board is good but it feels way too stiff and your very slow, it helps when trying to talk to someone but overall its ok, just needs some tweaking.

    Another feature is moving objects, I got excited about this but when i played the demo you get a change to, it was "meh" nothing special, just slows you down.

    Overall its a good demo an d I will make a review for the game once I've completed it, and I can't wait to get all the achievements in this one as well.
  3. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Maybe in your opinion. :p

    I would like it if they did a more realistic way of giving the board. Because I found that if you're about to bail just tap Y twice and you'll be right on your way. And to tell you the truth I think that's completely stupid and people won't get any better at timing if they don't learn you can't just turn right into a jump, but instead ride by it, look, back up, get enough speed, try it, fail, and take the consequences. lul I guess I'm by myself on that one, I just want it to feel like you're really skating which is what I felt in the first Skate.
  4. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I can't wait to Skate. 2 comes out! The demo was so fregin' fun. I always wanted to buy the first Skate game, but never had the money to, but now I do and Im going to get both Skate 1 and 2...

    The game boasts a create-a-spot thing where the player can move objects around like rails, ramps, barriers, etc. It would be really cool if the game allowed you to play with 3 or 5 other friends in the game's many skating locations. The players can create spots together and skate'em.
  5. ScarFac3d

    ScarFac3d Ancient
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    I'm sorry to say that what I am about to post may sound rude.

    For those of you looking for complete and utter realism in Skate 2, GTFO, if it wasn't for the slight variations between reality and virtual reality, why even have video games? If you want everything to be completely realistic, save the 60 bucks on this game and go get a real board, strange concept eh? Also, some dumpsters are accompanied with wheels, which allows you to move them, I know, I know, it's ****ing strange!

    Going and getting your board? Are you serious? I mean, cmon, where is the fun in that? What if you hit some insane speed and your board goes flying to ****-knows-where? What are you going to do then? Pray they included some other feature that allows your board to come to you? OH WAIT, THAT'S WHAT THEY DID.

    Also, I this is not directed towards anyone in particular, just concepts others brought up, so if you are offended, I am truly sorry.
  6. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Dude, come down... Its only a demo. Some people don't know how to skate, so you just can't say, "Save 60 bucks and get a real board..." If you haven't notice, you're really not saving any money, the cheapest price for a complete skateboard is about 60 bucks. My board was $130. Also, 3 kicks in that game gets you in max speed, so your board flying from you is very unlikely. They do have races in the game though.

    My biggest question is, why the hell are you so mad? You don't like the game or something? You're mad that some people wanted it to be more realistic? What!?

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