SKAÐI Created by Silly Box Cat. Description Skaði is a map that I've been forging on-and-off of since June of 2009. It's set to use half of Avalanche, which is going to be really difficult to make play well. It is going to be the successor of my older half-Avalanche map called Recall 57, which frankly didn't play very well. As of now, all of the boxes placed on the map aren't colour-coded, but that will be done once all of the map's structures are completed. Screenshots
Looks really nice! Avalanche maps are always really nice looking maps and yours is no exception. It is also good to see that you have built actual structures rather than chucking blocks around the map. Keep up the work and make sure you invite me to any tests before release.
I do not approve of your name, its just bleh... maybe something like, Frostbite, or something not... nonsensical, just something everyone will get...
I like how you blocked of the middle. really smart my friend, i agree perhaps a name that has to do with frozen things Frostbitten perhaps. idk anyway it looks really good. Clean well merged stuff, can't wait for the release.
I remember eyeballing that wall a long time ago. I'm glad this map's coming along nicely. The teleporter structure is particularly beautiful.
Awesome, makes me want to attempt another Avalanche map. I always get stuck with blocking off sections of the map, I end up using nearly all the scenery and have barely anything left to make a good map with!