Site Update...

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Mar 12, 2015.

By WAR on Mar 12, 2015 at 1:05 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    We are so excited by the increase in activity on ForgeHub due to the recent 1v1 contest submissions and want to thank you for your participation and support. It was a huge joy to watch everyone submit their maps during the crunch period and we look forward to bringing the results of the winning maps very soon. We do however need to push back the release date a wee tiny bit due to personal family conflicts of 2 judges on our panel.


    We want to ensure that the maps be treated with the utmost scrutiny in regards to multiple session testing, so we hope you appreciate our dedication in this effort and understand why we've decided to postpone the results until March 21st. With that said, lets remind everyone what the winners are in store for shall we?

    1st Place - $500
    2nd Place - Astro A50 Wireless Headset (Halo Edition)
    3rd Place - Gunnar Glasses ($100 Gift Card)

    We would like to announce our partnership with The Halo Forge Epidemic on this 1v1 contest as they will be creating videos featuring the top 3 maps. The 3rd place winning map will be released on March 21st with videos of second place and first place to fall shortly after on each consecutive day. If you haven't already, please visit their channel and subscribe here: THFE

    We have been hard at work behind closed doors to completely revamp the maps page by creating a new application to handle all of the wonderful submissions. The recent contest proved that the experience was just too difficult to impose on users when trying to upload pictures or embed youtube videos for your maps. We've listened to your feedback and will roll out with the new system starting this coming Wednesday, March 18th. With that said, ForgeHub will also be experiencing some down time due to backing up the current database and then uploading it again using the new architecture. We expect 2 days of down time before the release of the new system. For the most part the map system will look the same visually on the cover page, however uploading maps will be an improved experience. Lets see what differences you can point out when that time comes.

    OFFLINE: March 16 - 17
    ONLINE: Wednesday, March 18

    In regard to the forge community's recent disagreements with the HCS map submission criteria, :343: has kept their ears close to the tracks and will be releasing an official update on this very shortly. In the meantime please read up on how to better optimize your map's object count below.

    4v4 Optimization Tips:
    The budget system has been reintroduced to provide us with a total of 650 objects. However, maps cannot maintain performance and stability with all 650 objects used. Furthermore, because parties tend to crash when loading high-object maps, objects may still need to be cut from maps with no signs of frame rate loss. A suggestion is to build maps at around 465 visible objects for safety. Crashes have occurred with as little as 478 visible objects. This object count relates to items that appear 'in-game' and does not include 'invisible' objects such as respawn points, kill zones, safe zones, objectives, etc.

    If you haven't already, please join in on the discussion here: HCS: Season 2 Official Map Thread

    Thanks for all of your support and please forgive us for shutting down the website for a couple days starting this Monday, March 16th. Stay tuned people!

    <3 The ForgeHub Team
    #1 WAR, Mar 12, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2015
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Mar 12, 2015.

    1. Blaze
      This is actually good to hear. There were a lot of submissions and I feel many of the maps (along side my own) take a few plays to really ground yourself and learn some of the meta tactics within the maps. Hope the for those of you that are busy have a good time and the other testers get a good feel for the maps.

      On the HCS side of things. I have totally remade and revamped Dispute using feedback and will be testing within the next few days.
      Mr Pokephile and Black Picture like this.
    2. Zombievillan
      Any word if this update will fix the map section on mobile devices. I have an iPhone & trying to look at a posted map is horrible. All the other forums work fine though.
      Blaze likes this.
    3. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      The update should significantly improve your experience. The maps page should load MUCH faster, while also offering better, more integrated functionality. I think you'll be happy with the upgrade. ;)
      Blaze likes this.
      Does the 465-object limit for 4v4 apply to objects in a match that do not spawn immediately or are removed?
    5. theSpinCycle
      The numbers are estimates. Intuition would tell me that an object counts as an object regardless of whether it's spawned (and thus that it would count). But I don't know for sure. I've clarified the wording of the main article on this subject. Great question!
    6. buddhacrane
      An object only affects the limit while it is spawned onto the map: if at any point you have too many objects spawned onto the map at the same time, it can kick everyone out.

      So, for instance, if you have a dynamic element on your map that spawns in extra objects (let's say it's a rock-slide), and spawning in those objects now means you have over 465 visible objects on your map, then there's a good chance that everyone will suddenly get booted out of the match.
      theSpinCycle likes this.
    7. Buddy Jumps
      Buddy Jumps
      What about the fourth place? Is he not going to get your appreciation anymore? :p
    8. theSpinCycle
      Appreciation will definitely be given :)
    9. Korlash
      Minor nitpick with the maps page: when you click into a map and see the "information," there is a typo in one of the categories. Where it should say "maximum players," it currently says "maximun players."

      Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but FIX THIS BEFORE I LOSE MY MIND!!!!

      That is all, thanks :p
      WAR likes this.
    10. Zombievillan
      I just wish I could view all of the pictures of a map in the maps section -_-
    11. WAR
      is that not possible on the 'maps' page? Or are you referring to the 'map database' forum area?
    12. Zombievillan
      Just when I go to "maps", when I go to any map, it only shows one of the pictures enlarged. When I click on one of the others it never changes.
    13. WAR
      ok, can you try to refresh your cache? Also, can you provide more details about your computer? PC / Mac / browser?
    14. Zombievillan
      Oh, it's a toshiba laptop running windows 8, ie.

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